I burn with the need to punch something. If these disgusting excuses for humans weren’t already dead, I would take great pleasure in killing them. Slowly and painfully.

Raven’s jaw ticks, no doubt feeling the same as me. “David was working as a janitor for the Reilly Tech building in San Diego.”

“You don’t think he’s the mole?” I ask.

Raven shakes his head no. “They wouldn’t use the operative as a fall guy. He’s like Scotty. Clueless and easily manipulated.”

“How’s the Maddox team doing? Do they know you’re the one who opened the door for Luke?”

He shakes his head and smirks. “Of course not. I disguised it as a malfunction.”

“At least we know the activation serum worked on Liv.” She doesn’t remember killing Scotty, because her adrenaline surge kicked in and she used her abilities.

It happened to me too. A man had a gun to my head. An explosion of white light filled my vision, and the gun was in my hand and two dead bodies were on the ground. It scared the shit out of me. Raven approached me seconds later. And here we are. It wasn’t the first time I’d killed someone, though. I can only imagine how terrified Liv must have been.

He nods. “I told her dad we activated her.”

“How did he take it?”

Raven sighs. “He wasn’t happy, but he knows it saved her life.”

“When do we bring her in?”

He crosses his arms and leans back in his chair. “I haven’t yet because they were after Luke. They’re tracking her, but they don’t know Liv is an agent, or they never would have let dumb and dumber near her. If we move too soon, we’ll tip off Infinitum and they’ll come after both John and Liv. Sylvie needs more time to get his seizures under control.”

“So we keep watching over her.”

Raven nods and I stretch before standing.

"You did the right thing Specter. I know it was hard. I'm proud of you."

I meet his eyes and nod before leaving the room. I didn't realize how much I needed to hear that until he said it.