“Do you remember what I said the last time we spoke?” He licks his lips. My eyes widen as the horror sinks in.Oh God.

A wicked smile splits his face. “That’s it. Do you understand the situation you’re in? Good girl. Fuck, you’re so hot. It’s not fair, you know. Pricks like Luke don’t deserve perfect specimens like you.” He runs his fingers against my stomach, and I smack his hand away. He ignores me and wrenches my head back even farther, so I stare at the ceiling, my eyes burning from the sting. I grab onto his wrist with both hands to help relieve some of the pain.

The mugger hums in appreciation from nearby, and I cringe. Scotty lowers my head, and I try to cover myself with my arms as best I can. “Little Peach, you’re breathtaking. Looks like we got here at the right time.” He licks his lips again as his gaze passes over me. The slimy trail they leave behind makes me shudder. I try to move away, but he grips me tighter and shoves my arm aside to grab my breast. I cry out at the violation.

“Get your fucking hands off her!” Dylan roars, pulling Scotty’s attention.

He looks over at him, annoyance clear on his face as he drops his hand. “You’re supposed to be him. Kinda bummed, though. I was looking forward to sinking my cock in his woman’s cunt, right in front of him. Maybe I’ll send him the video.” He laughs, the sound maniacal as the mugger chuckles.

My stomach turns. Panic pushes in again, but I shove it aside.

“Luke is going to fucking murder you for this already. You do that, he’ll go after everyone you’ve ever loved. Maybe you should cut your losses while you’re ahead.” Dylan says, his voice calm again.

Scotty turns to me. “Have you fucked this guy, too? Do you share that pretty cunt with him? I bet you do.” He sneers and shoves me to the ground. I land on my hands and knees with a grunt and a hiss as the wound on my knee bleeds again.

He kneels down and grabs my throat, yanking me up so I’m on my knees while I cling to his arm. He gets in my face. “Once you feel my cock inside you, you’ll forget all these other assholes.” He releases me with a shove, and I fall to my ass.

Scotty’s expression turns eerily soft. He leans closer and caresses the side of my face with a gentle hand. “If you were mine. I would treat you right. I would fucking worship you.” His gaze has an unsettling, reverent cast.

He looks at me for a moment before he leans down and presses his lips to mine. I try to move away from him, but he holds my throat in an iron grip. With a sigh, he releases me and stands. The mugger takes his place and pulls me to my feet. He’s shorter than Scotty, but twice as wide. I flex my fists and keep them at my side. His gaze turns predatory as he looks me up and down.

“God damn. Luke sure has excellent fucking taste.” He shakes his head and chuckles.

I clench my fists as bile rises and glance at Dylan. His arms flex as he watches Scotty, who stands off to the side watching me. He’s working on his ropes. I need to stall them before they notice.

I take in a deep breath and face the mugger. “You’re pathetic.” I spit at his feet.

His smile is unpleasant as he gently slides his hand to the nape of my neck and steps closer. “I know you’re scared. But I promise, if you submit, you might enjoy it. I don’t want to hurt you.” His grip tightens on my neck. “But I will.”

“What do you want?” I grit out.

In answer, he pulls out a pocketknife. I flinch as he presses and cuts a delicate line across the top of my breast. It can’t be deeper than a paper cut, but Jesus it hurts. The line turns red but doesn’t drip. I hiss but stay still so I don’t accidentally cause more damage. He presses deeper and I cry out as warm blood drips down my breast, staining the cream lace of the bra. His eyes gleam as he looks at his work, and a greasy feeling swirls around my stomach.

He grips my bicep and puts the knife away. “There. Now you’re not so perfect.” He uses his other hand to grope my breast over my bra. “Your tits are amazing,” he whispers. Panic surges, and I can’t take it anymore. I push his hand away and bolt towards the hall. I only make it a few steps before he grabs my arm and slams my back to his chest, pinning my arms to my side. His hand slithers up and underneath my bra. He pinches my nipple hard and I whimper. Scotty steps in but he’s no savior.

“Fuck off. I’m first. We agreed,” he snarls. The man releases me and steps away with an arrogant smirk. He wipes my blood off his hand with a black cloth and winks at me. Fucking psychopath.

Scotty turns to me and cups my face. “You know what we want, Little Peach. Make this easy for us and nobody else gets hurt.”

I play dumb to buy more time. “What do you mean?”

He drops his hands and sighs. He picks up a gun from the side table nearby and points it at Dylan, who stares him down. I wonder if Scotty realizes the only thing between him and death is a few feet of rope.

“I have my orders for you. But I don’t get a penny more or less for your friends. They aren’t part of the deal. So, you make this easy, and your friends live. If not…” he shrugs and pulls the trigger. I scream and fall to Dylan’s feet.

The mugger and Scotty laugh like they made the funniest joke in the world. Dylan is unhurt. A bullet hole sits in the post a foot above his head. He looks worried, but he doesn’t have time to speak as Scotty yanks me to my feet. I yelp as he grips my already sore bicep, but he ignores me. “Put your hands out.”

I keep them at my sides. He points the gun at Dylan. I swallow and do as he says.

The mugger takes a zip tie and wraps it around both of my wrists. He pulls it tight, and it digs into my skin. I drop my hands when he releases me and Scotty points the gun against my temple. Dylan curses.

“Do we have a deal?”

My pulse pounds in my head as I try to think of ways to stall.

“What did they promise you? Luke will give you billions to return her unharmed. Name your price.” Dylan tries to reason with him again, but I can tell by Scotty’s deranged expression we’re past that.

Scotty ignores Dylan and waits for my answer. Dylan shakes his head no, but I can’t have his death on my hands. I can get through this, knowing it will save him. “How do I know you’re not going to shoot them anyway?”