

“The serum should work. All the DNA markers are there, plus some we’ve never seen before. She could have abilities that your mother didn’t account for when she made the original serum. We won’t know until we activate her.”

“How is that even possible?”

“Science isn’t perfect. Nature plays by its own rules and when you fuck with them, you get Liv; a female with abilities we aren’t aware of.”

I grunt and check the monitors that cover the back wall. One shows Liv in the living room of the safe house snuggled up with Luke, watching a movie. Garrett is asleep in the armchair nearby.

The other monitors show the empty rooms in the house. Another shows colored dots on a map, pinpointing the others’ location in the city as they go on their supply run.

“Luke is going to Reilly Tech tomorrow. It’s our only window of opportunity to activate her,” he says.

I sigh and roll my neck. Scotty has pulled a miraculous disappearing act. Raven has every electronic device at his disposal set up to find him. So far we have zilch. It can only mean one thing. Infinitum either has him, or they’ve killed him. I can only hope it’s the latter. There’s no way a weasel like him could escape capture without help, and only Infinitum stands to gain from protecting him. They’re notorious for setting up idiot fall guys to handle their dirty work.

Raven is right. Infinitum hasn’t played their hand yet, but they will. If we don’t activate Liv, she’ll be a sitting duck. We’ll have to do it without her consent and against her father’s wishes, but it’s the only way to keep her safe. Soon we’ll bring both her and John in. The more people ready to fight Infinitum, the better chance we’ll have. They always seem to be a step ahead of us. It will be nice to make some significant progress towards our goal for a change.

A while later, I glance up at the monitors on the wall when I catch movement. Luke is carrying Liv to their bedroom while they make out. Raven turns off the monitor to their bedroom when Luke pulls off Liv’s shirt. There are lines even assholes like us won’t cross.

I log off and head out. Raven grunts his goodbye when I squeeze his shoulder. He’s deep into whatever he’s researching, so I’m not even sure if he registers my absence until later.

The next morning the opportunity presents itself. I inform Raven so he can cloak my movements from Nova. Activation affects agents in different ways. Mine wasn’t a walk in the park, but I hope it will be for Liv.

I watch on my tablet as she settles into the hot tub, waiting a few minutes to make sure she stays alone. Then when she’s just about to doze off, I make my move.

I’m in and out in the time she takes a breath. She feels the needle, of course, but she heals before she’s even aware of what happened.

I monitor her throughout the afternoon, staying nearby just in case, but she seems to handle it ok. Later, when she heads inside to shower, I do a quick check of the security feeds of the perimeter. I switch through them on my tablet and stop when a vehicle passes by the camera towards the entrance of the path.

I move through the trees at the front of the house as tires grind dirt in the distance. “Raven, Luke shouldn’t be back yet. Who’s on the path?”

“That’s strange. Nova isn’t responding,” he says into my ear through the implant.

“What do you mean?”

His keyboard clicks in the background. “Hold on.” I catch a note of alarm in his voice and reach for the molten fire at the base of my spine.

A minute goes by and I see an unfamiliar car approaching.

“Fuck! Nova is compromised!” Raven bellows, but I’m already moving.