Sylvie chuckles. “Oh, come on Mr. Confident. What happened to ‘bring it on’?”
I scoff. “Within reason Sylvie. This is insane,” I gesture to the jet. I’ve lifted cars, buses, even a tank with no issue. But this is over the top. I’m enhanced, not limitless.
“We’ll never know unless you try. So hop to it. Maybe do a few stretches, just in case.” She winks, and I link my hands on top of my head with a sigh.
“Does Raven know about this?” Raven is our boss for lack of a better term, but he’s more like our adopted dad. Except for Sylvie and her brother, none of us are blood related, but we're family.
She snorts. “It was his idea.”
I drop my arms and sigh, trudging over to the wheels of the jet. “You have a plan in place for when this doesn’t work?”
She gestures to the metal flat bed truck she wheeled in after I set a distraction for the night guards.
“Is that a joke?”
“Don’t worry Spec. I’ll protect you.” She lifts her arm and flexes her bicep with a grin. My lips flatten and I position myself between the wheels.
“Stop calling me Spec.” I look around, trying to figure out the best way to lift this fucking thing.
Sylvie ignores my demand for the millionth time. “You’ll have to lift from the wheelbase so you don’t break it,” she offers.
Wiping my palms on my black cargo pants, I move over to the wheel well. I find a place that looks as good as any. The ever present ball of burning energy deep in my spine flares to life at my silent command. I let it flow through my veins, preparing my body for what should be impossible, even for me. Sylvie watches her tablet that’s tracking everything about me, from my heart rate to my adrenaline levels. It’s a good thing I’m tall or this would never work. I wrap my hands around the metal and open the tap on the energy flow, letting it flare inside me like the sun as I lift. The jet groans at its hinges, but it doesn’t budge.
I grit my teeth and push more energy from my reserves and the jet shifts. I’m impressed I’ve even made it this far, so I keep going. The wheel lifts off the ground and I grunt with the effort.
“Come on Specter! You can do it!” Sylvie cheers, and I dig even deeper.
My muscles strain and I let out a roar and heave with everything I have. The jet tilts and a burst of molten hot energy I’ve never experienced ignites inside of me like an atomic bomb. The entire jet lifts off the ground. Pain flows through me like a million knives and black dots flood my vision as I drop the jet. It lands with a thud that echoes around the hangar, and I collapse.
When I open my eyes, we’re back in the bunker. I’m flat on my back on a gurney in Sylvie’s lab, hooked up to every plug and tube imaginable.
Raven stands over me with his arms crossed, his expression unreadable as always. Sylvie stands on my other side with a shit-eating grin. She leans over me, her blue glasses making her eyes seem owlish.
“It worked,” she says and Raven’s lip twitches in the left corner of his mouth, the only sign that tells us he’s amused.
I groan and grip my forehead as the worst headache I’ve ever had takes claim. “How do you figure?”
“You lifted a jumbo jet, Spec,” Sylvie says.
“Yea, but if I’m unconscious, I won’t be able to help in a crisis.”
“We know your limits. That’s more important than all the rest. Now we can really open you up,” Raven says in his deep, gravelly voice.
I drop my hand and sigh. Sylvie pushes a button and something flows into me from the IV she has inserted into my hand. My headache lessens within seconds.
Raven slaps my leg and I grunt. “Rest up. I have an assignment for you in San Diego.” He walks towards the open doorway, but I stop him.
“What have you found? Is it Infinitum?”
He nods. “One of their contacts didn’t use a secure connection.”
I grin. It’s the second time they’ve made this mistake. It’s the risk Infinitum takes when they employ low level idiots who have no idea who they’re dealing with. I understand little of what Raven does, but I trust his skills as an expert hacker.
“We leave tomorrow morning,” he says and leaves the room.