Page 74 of Tormented


Without looking back, he stalked out of the cabin. Outside, Bataar was standing next to the rental.

“Start the car,” Ben ordered.

Bataar complied without a word. Ben hopped in the car.

“Where to, boss?” Bataar asked.

Ben didn’t spare the cabin a glance. “For now, head back to the airport.”


Kimani was at a loss. She didn’t know what article Ben was referring to, but she guessed that Sam had written up something—something that was not to Ben’s liking. And she couldn’t help but feel responsible. If she had never relayed what she had to Sam, there would be no article for Ben to be upset about.

How was she going to make this right?

She sank down on one of the dining chairs and stared at the two glasses of water on the table. Somehow, after owning up to her part in this, she had to convince him that she hadn’t intended to create trouble for him. She desperately wanted to know what was in that article. Had Sam discovered more to write about?

Hearing the front door open, she leaped to her feet, glad that Ben was back so that she could try to explain herself.

But it was Claire who walked in. The young blond looked happy, and she wasn’t naked. So Jake had allowed her clothing for a change.

“Oh! Montana, you’re back!” she chirped. “I got to go shopping like you did! Not the shopping I was expecting because there’s not like a Nordstrom or anything here, but look what Jake bought me.”

She showed off a diamond and emerald ring.

“He felt bad for what happened this morning,” Claire explained. “This emerald was mined right here in Trinity County. Isn’t it gorgeous?”

Kimani was about to agree when she heard a voice that sent her hair crawling.

“Well, look who’s back,” Jake sneered.

Every nerve was on edge, but she returned his stare. “Ben stepped out, but he’ll be back—”

Jake took steps toward her. “Actually, Vince told me he left in his car, right after you guys arrived. Guess he couldn’t dump you fast enough.”

She wanted to put the width of the dining table between them, but she didn’t want him to think that she was scared of him. She did her best to draw herself to her full height and square her shoulders, though his advance made her jumpy.

“Must’ve gotten bored of black pussy.”

He was within arm’s reach. Her nerves screamed at her to move away.

“Don’t worry. You can suck real cock now,” he told her.

“Maybe later,” she replied.

He clocked her with a right hook that left her head ringing. Claire screamed but scrambled out of the way.

“Stupid bitch,” Jake spat. “You know, this would’ve all been better if you had been a good little ho and sucked my dick like you were supposed to in the first place.”

She saw his next strike coming, but his fist still managed to glance off her head, sending her sprawling to the floor.

“But I’m going to give you a second chance.” He unbuckl

ed his belt.

Her brain still felt off balance. She tried to focus on what her next move should be. A quick glance at Claire’s stunned face confirmed that there would be little assistance in that department. Therefore, her best bet would be to escape the cabin altogether. She’d rather take her chances in the woods than with Jake. But he blocked her egress.