Page 77 of Tormented

“There’s nothing in the article that isn’t true. If the Lee family didn’t do anything wrong, the FPPC investigation will confirm that.”

“But meanwhile, they’re suspected of wrongdoing.”

“And maybe they’re guilty. We don’t know that they aren’t.”

“They’re not guilty.”

Sam raised his brows. “How can you be sure? You spent all of three, four days with Benjamin Lee?”

He had a point, Kimani decided, not wanting to be upset with Sam. He was just doing his job.

As if sensing that she was feeling down, Sam said, “Hey, I’ve got a bit of good news. Even though you can’t write the Scarlet Auction expose, I have to hand it to you, it took guts to do what you did. You risked your life.”

“Not intentionally,” she replied.

“Nonetheless, not all journalists would have put themselves in your place. You stuck your neck out. And I think you would be a great addition to the Tribune.”

She straightened. “Really?”

He smiled. “Really.”



She let out a shaky breath. “No shit?”

“No shit.”

“But what about ownership? How could you be hiring when they’re thinking of shutting down the paper?”

“I can’t guarantee that your job will last very long, but I can make it work for the time being.”

She stamped her feet in glee. Sam got out of his chair to give her a hug.

“Welcome aboard, Kimani Taylor.”

Later that night, she celebrated her new job by having margaritas with Keisha and Tara.

“Now all you need is a man,” Tara said.

“I got a job,” Kimani said. “What does that have to do with a man?”

“You can’t get it on with a job,” Keisha said, as if Kimani should know better.


vibrator and I get along just fine.”

“You can’t convince me it’s the same.”

“The vibrator can be hella better.”

“Un-hunh,” Keisha returned in a tone that made Kimani want to throw the tortilla chips at her. “That why you were so mopey the last time we talked about your guy?”

“He wasn’t my guy,” Kimani emphasized loud and clear, not wanting to remember all the crazy, torturous and amazing things she had experienced at Ben’s hands.

“Oh, I know a guy who’s free, now that he’s dumped that skank of a girlfriend. Marcus. This brother’s fine.”