Page 75 of Tormented

“What’s the matter?” Droplets of his spit landed on her. “Not ready for real cock?”

To Kimani’s huge relief, she heard Ben’s voice. He had come back!

Jake frowned, visibly upset, but he didn’t budge. “Looking for your Chinaman? I’m done with him. He’s not welcome here anymore.”

She heard Vince’s voice, then Ben’s response.

“So you better suck my cock good,” Jake told her, “or you’re going to be one unhappy nigga.”

The sounds of a scuffle drew Jake’s attention. They heard Vince grunt, followed by the crunch of bones.

Alarmed, Jake ran over to a small sideboard, fished out a key and unlocked the drawer. He pulled out a revolver and slipped in several bullets.

Claire screamed again when she saw the gun.

“Shut up!” he barked at her.

In walked Ben. Kimani’s earlier relief had dissipated now that Jake had a gun pointed at him.

Ben’s quick glance of the surroundings seemed to take in everything, from Claire to Kimani to Jake.

“Put the gun down,” Ben told Jake.

“Where’s Vince?”

“He’s nursing a broken arm. Now, put the gun down.”

Jake’s hand was shaking, and Kimani worried that the gun might go off accidentally.

“No,” Jake replied. “You just get the hell out of my cabin.”

“You going to shoot me if I don’t?”

Jake snickered. “Why not? It’s self-defense. You’re trespassing on my property.”

“Fine. I’ll leave. But I’m taking Jason and her with me.”

Jake looked at Kimani. “She’s not going anywhere. She’s my slut.”

“I paid—”

“I don’t care what you paid!” Jake’s voice had turned shrill, and the shaking of his hand grew worse. “Just get outta my fuckin’ cabin!”

Ben stared at Jake as if doing that alone could get Jake to back down. “You don’t want to—”

Kimani launched herself at Jake, shoving his arm into the air while she delivered a body blow, knocking them both to the ground. The gun went off, but the bullet went into the ceiling.

Moving quickly, Ben stomped on Jake’s wrist. When Jake let go of the gun, Ben picked it up. Grabbing Jake by the shirtfront, he hauled him to his feet and slammed him up against the wall.

“You stupid fuck,” he cursed in Jake’s face before throwing him over the table.

Bataar entered, dragging Vince behind him. “Hey, boss, what do you want me to do with him?”

Ben tossed Bataar Jake’s gun. “Keep an eye on Dumb and Dumber.”

From where he’d landed on the floor, Jake glared at Ben. “The deal with Tyrell Jenkins is off! No way I’m gonna let him go to China after this.”

Ben didn’t bother replying. Instead, he helped Kimani to her feet. There was so much she wanted to say to him, but he looked away before she could utter a word.