Page 68 of Tormented

The tightness was more marvelous than he had thought possible. Her rectum contracted, trying to push out the unnatural intrusion, which only made it feel more amazing. He poured more lube onto his cock before sinking farther.

“Oh, Jesus,” she groaned. “May I come?”

“Anytime, pet.”

She pressed vibrator against herself and came with a cry. The contractions rippled over his cock. He wanted so badly to shove his entire length into her, but he waited till he thought she was ready. He slid more of himself into her.

“Oh, my God, my God,” she murmured.

Little by little, he managed to bury his entire shaft inside her arse. The feel of her buttocks against his pelvis was beautiful. He could stay here forever.

Reaching beneath her, he switched the vibrator up a notch. When she started to moan again, he slowly withdrew his cock and slowly pushed back in. Maybe one of these days he would be able to thrust into her with all his strength. He found himself eager for that day.

“You’re going to come for me again, pet,” he told her.

“Un-hunh,” she murmured.

She flexed about his cock, threatening his forbearance, but he paced himself until he sensed her next climax nearing. He dared to thrust quicker and a little harder. It seemed she got louder.

He could fuck her arse all day long, he decided. How could he have considered giving her back to Jake? There was no way he was going to let another man near an arse as fine as this.

Her words became incoherent and built into a scream as her orgasm broke over her, sending her into spasms. Unable to resist any further, he pumped himself deep until he unloaded into her, draining himself into the most exquisite rapture to ever take hold of his body.

How the hell was he going to be able to give this up?

SOMETIME IN THE MIDDLE of the night, Ben moved Kimani into his bedroom. In the morning, instead of getting out of bed early to do his tai chi chuan, he stayed in bed with her, enjoying the soothing sound of her breathing. He had woken with a hard-on and wanted nothing more than to reach over and make love to her, but he let her sleep. She had been through a lot.

The ringing of his mobile caused her to stir. Grabbing his phone, he got out of bed and went into the bathroom, closing the door behind him. The call was from Jason.

“You coming back anytime soon?” his cousin asked.

“Haven’t decided. Why?”

“Oh, well, it’s Jake. He was doing some erotic asphyxiation thing on Claire, and she passed out. I thought since you’re pretty deep into stuff like that, maybe you could show Jake how it’s done.”

“Is she okay now?”

“Yeah, yeah, she’s totally fine. She’s with the other women. They’re doing each other’s nails. But I think she’s, like, kinda scared.”

“We’ll be back today. Text me if Jake tries anything else.”

Shit. After last night, his desire to go back to the cabin had fallen to zero.

There was a knock on the door. “Ben?”

He opened the door to find Kimani wrapped in the bedsheet. Given how much time she had spent naked before him, her modesty was quaint.

“Everything okay?” she asked.

“Jake’s being stupid,” he told her. “We should head back to the cabin today.”

“What happened?”

“According to Jason, Jake was fooling around with asphyxiation, and Claire passed out.”

“Jesus! Is she okay? Did they call an ambulance?”

“I think she’s okay, but we should see for ourselves.”