Page 46 of Tormented

“But I wouldn’t entrust my sisters to a guy like me, either,” he said, taking her by the arm and leading her to the bathroom.

“That’s comforting.”

He chuckled. “Well, maybe May could take me on. You’re doing all right.”

He wouldn’t have paid two hundred thousand for her if he didn’t think she could hold up.

“I’ve never taken a bath with a view before,” she commented when he flipped the switch to open the curtains that covered the windows surrounding one side of the tub. She took in the panoramic view of the Golden Gate Bridge, San Francisco Bay, the Palace of Fine Arts, Alcatraz, and the Presidio. “It’s amazing.”

He helped her out of her shirt and thong. Seeing and scenting her sex, he felt his arousal rear its head. He turned off the water and watched her nestle into the tub.

“The button next to you turns on the jets,” he told her.

She pushed the button. The water gurgled and rolled.

He had thought to make a call to his lobbyist to look further into De Reyes and Chang, though when he saw Kimani sink farther into the water and her eyes roll to the back of her head as she inhaled the steam, he wanted to climb into the tub with her instead.

But she could probably benefit from some time alone. He tried not to imagine how good her slick, wet body would feel against his. How he would make her sit on his cock. He had once bent a woman over the side of the tub and banged her from behind while dunking her head into the bath water.

“After you’re done,” he said, “get dressed. We have dinner reservations.”

“Not Ishikawa West?” she asked, looking very relaxed in the hot water.

“You have a problem with kaiseki cuisine?”

“No, I just didn’t think it was possible to call up one of San Francisco’s most exclusive restaurants and expect to get same-day reservations.”

“You can when you’re one of the top investors.”

“Oh. Lucky you.”

Her response nettled him. He was accustomed to women gushing at what his wealth could afford. She knew Ishikawa West was a hot restaurant, but maybe she didn’t know that the establishment had earned three Michelin stars and that the waitlist was over a month long. Maybe then she’d give him some props.

No, she wouldn’t. Just like she had been awed by the view from his penthouse, but it didn’t transfer to him. What did it take to impress this woman? Courtside seats to a Warriors game? He could get those.

He stopped himself. He had never had to proactively impress a woman before. Why was he doing it now?


“YOU BRINGING MY SLUT back or what?” Jake asked.

“What’s the hurry?” Ben replied into his mobile.

“I told you it’s against the rules.”



Ben could hear the agitation in Jake’s breathing.

“So I want her back,” Jake finished.

“I paid for a full week. I want the full week.”

“Fine, I’ll give you back part of your money.”

“Not interested in the money.”