Page 27 of Tormented

“You have to recuse yourself. You don’t count.”

“You’re counting on De Reyes?” Kimani asked. When Ben fixed his stare on her, she thought perhaps she shouldn’t have said anything.

“Why can’t I count on him?” Ben inquired.

“He’s such a progressive. Doesn’t seem like the kind of a guy who would approve an upscale development.”

“He’s supported plenty of condo and mixed-use developments before.”

“But only those that have APCA’s support,” Gordon said.

“De Reyes is considering a run for Oakland City Council,” Ben said. “He’s starting to court money interests.”

“But to go against Dawson?” Kimani queried, wanting to be helpful because she liked Gordon.

“You know Dawson or De Reyes?” Gordon asked.

“Not really. I know about them.”

“What is it you do? Are you in politics?”

Ben narrowed his eyes. “Yes, what do you do, Montana?”


“Nothing that interesting. I’m just an office assistant at the moment,” Kimani replied.

She had already told him that on their first day, but Ben wanted to see if she was consistent.

“She’s a graduate of Stanford,” Ben told his uncle.

“Stanford was where I most wanted to go,” Gordon said. “I was waitlisted but didn’t get in.”

“Their loss,” Kimani smiled.

“Well, it’s a very competitive school. You should be proud you were accepted. What did you study?”

“Communications. One of those degrees you can apply to many fields of work but doesn’t actually increase your odds of getting a job.”

“What is it you would like to do?”

Kimani didn’t have a ready answer. “I’m open to different possibilities.”

“Did you go to graduate school?” Ben asked, deliberately putting her on the spot.

“Um...I thought about it.”

“Did you do more than think about it?”

Maybelle returned just then with containers in plastic bags. “I got your extra helpings of sweet potato pie all wrapped up for all o’ you. And, Gordon, no use you trying to pay for your lunch. I owe you more than plates of brisket and corn.”

“I’m buying,” Ben said.

Maybelle arched a brow. “You refusing my generosity?”

“You are too kind, Maybelle,” Gordon said.

After Maybelle left, Gordon left a sixty dollar “tip.”