Page 20 of Tormented


Normally he was indifferent to weaves, or how women’s hair looked in general, but Kimani looked hot. The color at the bottoms of the braids drew attention, but somehow the tops of the braids, by deferring to her bright eyes and thick lashes, accentuated them.

For a few seconds, he couldn’t move. All he could do was drink in the sight of her.

She had just risen from her table and, seeing him, looked both disconcerted and relieved. She walked over to him. “I need to go, and I don’t want to do it wearing the thing.”

He couldn’t resist a small grin. The situation reminded him of their drive back from Weaverville when she’d needed to piss. He had required her to masturbate herself so that arousal would supersede nature’s call.

“You don’t like the belt?” he returned.

“That’s a rhetorical question, right?”

“What didn’t you like about it?”

She blinked several times. “Everything!”

He took one of her braids in hand. He wanted to think she had gotten the extensions for him. “How often did you think about me?”

She sucked in her breath. “Not that often.”

“Then the belt didn’t do its job. Maybe I should leave it on till it starts to work.”

Her eyes flared. He recognized that look in her eyes. It was the same one she had given him just before he’d acquired her. Fuck you, her glare had said then. It said that now.

“Okay, I did think about yo

u a lot,” she relented, “but not in the way that you think.”

“No? You’re not doing a very good job of convincing me to unlock your belt.”

She glanced around when a couple at a nearby coffee table got up. Drawing in a breath, she said in as low a voice as possible, “I thought about you a lot, Master.”


“I thought about what a nice guy you are for making me wear this thing.”

He leaned over and whispered in her ear, “I’ve already said I punish lies. You don’t want to know what I do with sarcasm or a bratty sub.”

She shivered. She shifted her weight from one foot to the other. The need to piss must be increasing.

“I am grateful my Master made me wear a chastity belt.”

“No, you’re not. But I’ll allow the fib because it’s the right thing for a sub to say. What else?”

“I like how you made me all hot and bothered before you put the belt on.”

“Another good fib. Did you try to give yourself an orgasm?”

That last word caught the ear of the young man sitting nearest to where they stood.

Ignoring the guy’s look, Ben asked, “Did you, pet?”

Kimani had seen the man turn around as well. She lowered her voice more. “I didn’t.”

“Call me ‘Master.’”

“I didn’t, Master.”