“That I am tyrant.”

“That, too.”

“I reserve the right to resume my tyranny at any moment.”

“Yes, yes,” she said as she returned to her seat. “When do we depart?”

“But I have just arrived. I have had a most tiring journey from Trent and thought to stay here at least a fortnight.”

Her mission accomplished, Lucille fell upon her breakfast with improved appetite. “Why were you in Trent?”

“I had the opportunity to escort Lady Isabella home.”

“Oh. Her.”

He raised his brows at her tone.

Lucille cut into her sausage. “I know her only a little but am not taken by her. She seemed a trifle silly to me.”

She looked at Halsten. “I would you could find the proper woman for yourself.”

Miss Herwood came instantly to mind. He pushed the vision of her away, but he humored Lucy. “And what would constitute a proper woman in your eyes?”

“One that you love.”

“Ah, it is that simple.”

“Of course she must be your intellectual equal, fit your disposition, and stir your passions. But all that is merely fodder for love.”

“I see you are a philosopher of romance.”

“Mother and Father had love between them. They seemed much happier than those whose marriages lacked the same. I know you seek a suitable wife for my sake and the sake of the barony, but I would sooner see you happy, Halsten.”

She was buttering her toast and did not observe his pensive gaze.

Perhaps he would venture to London sooner.

Chapter Eighteen

“MAY I?”

Deana smiled at the flaxen-haired man as he held the door open for her. This was the second night in a sennight that he had spoken to her, and she suspected he fancied her a little. From what she had been told, he was a decent fellow of moderate means but sufficient to support her and her family. She liked his manners and his countenance, though she would have preferred a taller man. But she was reconciled to find a man who could provide for her and treat her well. She asked for nothing more.

Her luck had improved since finding the new gaming hall. Though the balance of what she had received from Lord Rockwell was sufficient to sustain the family for some time, she wanted a distraction, to keep her from dwelling on his lordship. She could not bring herself to return to her old grounds for fear that she might encounter the Baron Rockwell. The new hall was much smaller and its appearance more modest, but after three months, she had become acclimated to her new environment. The hall was a further walk and situated in an entirely different part of town, its patrons a bit more rumbustious, but if she were truly fortuitous and played her ‘cards’ right, she would have no reason to frequent the place overmuch.

Deana stepped out into the summer night and turned to him. “Thank you. Mr. Billings, is it not?”

He bowed. “Yes. And you are Miss Herwood, I presume? I heard you are one of the best at vingt-et-un.”

“Hyperbole. I am a little more than competent.”

“You are modest.”

A light wind blew at them as they regarded each other in a moment of quiet.

Then a voice called from inside the gaming hall, “Neville! Your turn with the dice!”

“Perhaps you would humor me with a game then?” Mr. Billings said hastily.