He raised a brow at her.

“I admit to being hasty in turning down your solicitations last Season,” she explained. “But having seen you here at the Chateau, you have become a more interesting person. I think we should improve our acquaintance.”

“If you return to Trent in my company alone, there will be talk.”

“If you insist on taking Miss Herwood, I insist on staying.”

“Isabella, you’re being childish.”

She pursed her lips. “Miss Herwood seems quite capable. Given her years, I am sure she is accustomed to handling herself.”

Halsten gave her a stern look, but it was true that he trusted Miss Herwood to be on her own much more than he would trust Isabella.

“I will consider it only if Miss Herwood does not object,” he said.

“She dictates the terms, does she?”

He did not miss the irony, and oddly, he welcomed the opportunity for Miss Herwood to make the decision.

“Unlike Lord Devon, I believe in ensuring that my guests are well cared for. If you will pardon me, I have to attend Miss Herwood.”

He bowed and left Isabella to her frown.

* * * * *

“Leaving? Today?” Deana echoed as she turned to look at Rockwell standing in the doorway to her chamber with his hands behind him.

She had just changed into another gown, for one of Madame Follet’s terriers had leaped upon her in the garden, casting mud on her previous gown.

“If you are amenable,” he said. “You would have use of one of Madame Follet’s carriages, and Bhadra would accompany you all the way to London.”

“And you?”

“I mean to escort Lady Isabella to her father. With Lord Devon gone, she requires someone to look after her.”

That explained it, Deana thought to herself wryly.

“But if you have a wish to stay, I will honor my duty as your host.”

She frowned. He saw her as his duty?

“And as far as I am concerned, you have fulfilled your end of our bargain,” he said. “I will have the balance owed to you deposited into an account within two days’ time.”

“Thank you.”

She pretended to study the options of ribbons for her hair, too consumed with a rush of sadness to look at him. She had not anticipated their time would come to such an abrupt end, but she had no desire to keep him from the Lady Isabella. Why should she not depart? So that she could enjoy his company for one more day? To what end? Parting ways was undoubtedly the wiser course of action.

When she felt she had mastery over her feelings, she said, “If it is convenient for you, my lord, I am amenable to any arrangement you see fit.”

He seemed relieved, and she knew then she had made the right decision. He approached her and held out a box he had been holding behind him.

“I wish to gift you these.”

Opening the lid, he revealed the Indian jewelry she had worn the other day. Her eyes lighted at the sight of the exquisite baubles, but she knew she could not accept.

“Your last gift to me went to a pawnbroker,” she said, embarrassed. “These are too fine for such a fate.”

“Then keep them.”