“Come, we have fulfilled our loss at whist,” Rockwell told her.

They left the room and headed back to the West Wing. Cognizant that they were scantily clad, she hoped they would not come across anyone.

“The guests in the East Wing are often in a state of lesser dress,” Rockwell said as if reading her mind.

They walked the rest of the way in silence. Rockwell appeared grim. He must not have enjoyed himself, she concluded. Surely it was unpleasant to watch another man with the woman he wanted for himself.

“Perhaps we ought not have played whist,” she said as they approached her room.

He looked at her sharply. “I’m sorry you had to endure the consequences.”

“No, I have no regrets. I wanted to experience the East Wing. It was...wanton and thrilling.”

He seemed relieved.

“I only meant that you seemed the least agreeable to it.”

“If it pleased you, Miss Herwood, then I am satisfied. How fares your arse?”

“I think I shall not enjoy sitting tomorrow.”

He grinned. “Perhaps you will think twice before ever accepting a proposition from Lord Devon.”

“Alas, I am prone to accepting improper propositions.”

His gaze bored into her, and without warning, he pinned her against the door with his body. His mouth descended on hers, engulfing her yelp of surprise. He raised both her arms above her, locking her head in position as he devoured her. She could barely catch a breath, and for the moment, she cared not that he wanted the Lady Isabella. He was with her, and she would satisfy him.

She attempted to return his kiss, but he was too much in command, too hungry. She felt the hardness of his desire against her and arched her back, pushing herself further into him. He opened the door, and they tumbled into the darkened room. She fell on top of him, their lips still joined. His left hand cradled her head while his right hand grasped a buttock firmly. She ground herself against his erection.

They kissed as if searching for something within the other to satiate their appetites. Her head spun from the effort to keep up with his forceful exertions. He rolled her beneath him, and moved the one hand from her head to a breast. Her stays had been loosely tied and slipped to allow him access to her nipple. He pinched it gently through her garments. She cried out as the nipple was still sensitive from the clamps.

With a groan, he pulled her up, swept her off her feet, and deposited her upon the bed. Her hands made quick work of his shirt and pants. Remembering his look when she had him in her mouth, she encased his cock once more and sucked hard. She tried to take in as much of him as she could, but her inexperience made her gag when he hit the back of her throat. Forcing herself to relax, she made an attempt with better success. Rockwell emitted an oath and undulated his hips, pushing his cock in and out of her mouth.

He pulled her head away. “You’ll make me spend.”

She stared at him. “That is the intent, my lord.”

Shaking his head, he pushed her into the bed and turned her on her stomach to access the buttons upon her gown and the ribbons of her stays. Soon he had her stripped to the buff once more and on her back. His hands roamed over her body, kneading breasts, gripping hips, and squeezing her buttocks before finding their way between her legs. Still wet from before, she felt slippery to the touch. She enjoyed his caresses there but she wanted him in a deeper way.

“Take me with your cock,” she said in a husky voice beside his ear.

He looked into her eyes as if contemplating the invitation, then slid off the bed. He pulled her to the edge of the bed and spread her thighs wide. His thumb strummed her clitoris, heating the familiar sensations of delight and agitation.

“Take me,” she implored.

“Your servant, Miss Herwood,” he replied, pointing his cock at her cunnie and driving it into her.

Feeling victorious, she willed the muscles in her cunnie to grab at him.

“Good God,” he breathed as he buried himself further into her.

She savored the fullness inside of her before beginning a slow grind of her hips. Propped above her, he buried his face in the crook of her neck as he moved his lower body in rhythm, thrusting in and out. He mouthed her neck and planted kisses along her shoulder. She arched her back and jerked herself harder against him. He responded by pushing himself up off of her and tossing her ankles over his shoulders. Wrapping an arm around her legs to hold them in place, he shoved his cock deep into her.

“Oh!” she cried as he buried himself to the hilt.

The penetration struck new areas within her.

“Harder,” she instructed.