“Are you proposing that you and Miss Sherwood beg off on our arrangement? I would presume Miss Sherwood to be of possessed of too much honor to renege. And you as well, Rockwell.”

With a silent oath, Halsten grabbed Miss Herwood from behind, pressed her to him, and reached for her clitoris. To apply the nipple clamps so soon to a novice without arousing them first was cruel. He rubbed her between the legs. It took longer as Miss Herwood was not completely at ease still with the lack of privacy, but she eventually began to pant softly and squirm against him. Devon watched with amusement. Halsten weighed the prospect of drawing pistols at dawn with the man, but his responsibility to Lucy stayed him. He could not leave her without a guardian.

“Since you have done such a fine job stimulating her, I think the lovely Miss Sherwood should be the first to try these,” Devon said, offering the pair of clamps to Halsten.

Reluctantly, he took the clamps from Devon. No state of arousal would take away the bite.

“These will hurt,” he informed. “Do you wish to continue?”

Miss Herwood nodded. He pinched the clamps opens and applied them to the nipples as lightly as he could while still holding the weights. She gasped when he released the clamps. He waited for her to utter the safety word, but she did not.

“Breathe,” he told her. “Gently.”

She followed his instruction and tried to moderate her breathing. When he saw the pain had settled, he slowly removed his hand from the weight. Her eyes widened as the weight pulled her nipples down.

“Oh God,” she mumbled.

He searched her face. Even with the safety word, the pain could be too great. She let out a few haggard breaths, then looked at him with clear eyes. He appraised her appearance and instantly felt his blood warm. The adornments were captivating upon her.

“Well done,” Devon praised.

Isabella had watched with intense curiosity and frowned at the compliment paid to Miss Herwood. Devon retrieved another pair and affixed a clamp to her nipple. She screamed and choked back a sob. Halsten noted her eyes watering. But she appeared determined to bear it at least as well as Miss Herwood. Devon applied the other clamp and stepped back to admire the result.

“Stand straight, my dear,” Devon told Isabella.

Isabella bit down on her lower lip and attempted to do as he bid.

“The clamps should not stay overlong,” Halsten recommended. “They require proper training.”

“And ought be applied often to encourage the growth of their nipples.”

Devon poked at one of the weights to make it sway.

“Ah, ah, ah,” worried Isabella.

“Imagine how they would swing if we applied a flogger at the same time!”

Ignoring Devon, Halsten cupped Miss Herwood’s chin and kissed her.

“You are lovely and strong,” he murmured against her lips.

His hand went between her legs to fondle her there, and he was relieved to feel her wetness coating his fingers.

“Take these off, please,” Isabella begged. “Please!”

“Enjoy them a while longer,” Devon replied.

“Let us proceed with another amusement,” Halsten suggested.

“Quite right,” Devon acquiesced. He removed the nipple clamps to Isabella’s immense relief. “Now on your knees, my lovely wenches!”

Chapter Fifteen

THANK HEAVEN, DEANA THOUGHT to herself when Rockwell removed the clamps. Her poor nipples would be tender for some time. Despite the piercing pain of having the blasted things clipped to her, however, her body had still responded to the man’s touch. She was grateful to be with Lord Rockwell and not with Lord Devon.

“On your knees!” Devon reiterated.

Lady Isabella and Deana exchanged glances before complying. For the first time, Deana felt kindred to her ladyship.