He seemed taken aback, then waved a dismissive hand. “Merely the result of superior experience and sophistication.”

“I do not know your sister, nor the extent of her willfulness, but it is a delicate matter addressing a woman of her age.”

“She has barely had her come-out. It seems but yesterday she was in leading strings.”

Deana could not help but find his vexation rather charming. “Does she love you?”

Her question baffled him, but he answered, “Yes.”

“And respect you?”

“To an extent.”

“Respect and obedience are not the same.”

“If she had complete respect for me, she would not challenge me on this matter.”

“Perhaps if she feared you, yes. That she does feel comfortable speaking her mind to you is a positive quality.”

“She is not being rational. As I state in the letter, I have been in the world of men far longer than she. My judgment of them is clearly more considerable than hers.”

“Ah, but matters of the heart are rarely rational.”

He weighed her words, then shook his head. “They are irrelevant.”

“Pray, what do you find objectionable in this Wilson fellow?”

“He is a soldier and his family background questionable. Though he is with a good regiment, his future hardly holds much promise.”

“You could purchase a commission for him.”

He glanced sharply at her. “A point Lucille was quick to make as well.”

“Is she quite taken with him?”

“That is what concerns me. They became acquainted whilst I was in India last year. I have been remiss in my duties as guardian, but I intend to redouble my efforts.”

She had not seen him this cross before. The prudent course would be to change the subject, but she was not ready to retreat.

“What sort of man would satisfy you where your sister is concerned?”

“An honorable one, capable of ensuring Lucy’s happiness. One who treats her well, with affection, compassion, and generosity.”

“And this Wilson does not fit these criteria?”

Rockwell was silent.

“As you say, you are a better judge of character. But you may find better results with her if you took a more gentle approach. Prohibiting her from consorting with this young man, as you allude to in your letter, may very well have the unintended consequence of enflaming her affection for him and halt any confidence she may share with you.”

He had his arms crossed and looked at her solemnly. Her intentions had been altruistic, but perhaps she had overstepped her bounds. She decided to pour herself a cup of tea. The beverage was no longer hot, but she drank it nonetheless.

“Do you speak from experience?” he asked.

“Not exactly, but what young person has not rebelled against parent or guardian at some time?”

His features softened, and his posture relaxed. He sat back down at the table but continued to appraise her.

“You are possessed of sense and wisdom.”