in resolve?”

She dropped her gaze to his crotch. It was risky challenging his manhood, but she had no interest in a picnic till her ardor was relieved.

He did not take the bait. “I need no enticement to ravish you, Miss Herwood.”

“Then ravish me.”

It was the boldest statement she had ever made.

“Learn me what you will, my lord,” she urged when he did not respond.

“Very well,” he decided and gave her a serious stare. “You are short of patience but it can be forced upon you.”

She did not comprehend his statement, nor care. At last they were to attend to that wanton part of her that wished to experience all that the Chateau Follet portended to offer.

He undid the gold buttons of his coat one by one. Watching him remove his coat, she sensed desire growing. He hung the coat on the back of a chair.

“Tell me, Miss Herwood, did you pleasure yourself last night?”

Stunned by the audacity of his question, she had no reply.

He went to stand before her. “I have no desire to repeat myself.”

The sternness in his voice prompted her to speak. “Pleasure myself? In what manner?”

“I think you know to what I refer.”

She felt herself blushing to the roots of her hair.

“There is no shame in the act,” he added. “The Hindus are not alone in their acceptance of this simple human urge. The ancient civilizations of Egypt and Greece regard it as commonplace.”

“We are neither in Egypt nor Greece.”

“If we were, would you have?”

“Perhaps,” she mumbled.

“I should like to witness it.”

Her eyes widened. Perhaps she preferred the picnic after all. “I forget—Bhadra may return at any moment.”

“She will not lest I ring for her. She heeds direction well.”

Unlike others, he no doubt left unsaid. Deana took a deep breath.

“Your directions were hardly exact.”

“She does not require specifics.”

He spoke with such assurance. There was history betwixt him and Bhadra, she was sure of it.

He folded his arms. “Now, Miss Herwood.”

“I should remove the jewelry,” she demurred. “They are too precious to risk damage.”

“Leave them be.”

Having run out of diversions, she blurted, “What you ask is outrageous.”