Page 96 of Hiding Forever



“Let’s give them a minute,” I hear Gigi say.

Mr. Glenn retreats and then it’s just me and Nova. Man, I forgot what it feels like to have her warm, soft curves against me. My memory did this little justice.

I had a speech planned—a greeting for Gigi. Yet here I am, lip-locked with Nova, unable and unwilling to release her.

After a few more desperate kisses, I force my hands to her waist and push her back a little. A quick scan of the room tells me we’re alone.

“Sorry.” Nova’s cheeks flush the prettiest pink. She lowers her head and then glances behind her to where Gigi stood when I first arrived, but she’s no longer there. Neither is Mr. Glenn.

“They left,” I say.

She tucks her hair behind her ear. “I didn’t mean to jump you. I don’t know what came over me. You didn’t even get to say a word before I pounced like some feral animal.” Her gaze lifts to mine. “What are you doing here?”

“I couldn’t stay where I was. Not while Marina is sniffing around. I felt helpless being so far away.”

“Oh.” She frowns and steps back.

“What’s wrong?” Why did she move away?

“That’s not safe. You should have stayed in hiding.”

“It’s not safe for you and Gigi here, either. If it weren’t for me, Marina wouldn’t be lurking around and sending letters. I was going crazy with worry.”

“We’re fine, as you can see.” She raises her palm and lets her hand fall back to her side.

That’s when I notice a slight difference in her appearance. She looks… I can’t put my finger on it. A bit toned? Taller? Her shoulders aren’t curled in like they always were before. Well, they weren’t a moment ago, anyway. Now, she’s slumped.

“Did something else happen since the Marina letter?”

“No. Nothing new other than you showing up.” She takes another step back and angles her body away.

What the hell? Maybe she didn’t want me to return. Maybe she was happy to see me go. Relieved.

“Are you planning to stay?” she asks without meeting my gaze.

“If Gigi is okay with it.”

She nods. “I took over your room. It was easier to care for the kittens.”

“Speaking of kittens.” I lighten my tone, attempting to cheer up her mood. “I brought a friend. She misses her sister and brother.”

“Itty-bitty?” Nova presses her hands together, and her eyes finally find mine, the beautiful color aglow with excitement.

I’m beyond confused. She looked at me that way when I walked in, right before she rushed over to embrace me. Then, her demeanor shifted, and she put actual distance between us.

“Where is she?”

“In the kitchen, I guess. Aaron helped bring in my stuff.”

She darts past me to the kitchen.

I follow, eager to talk to Gigi about staying, but I don’t want to leave Nova until I sort out what’s going on with her sudden indifference.

In the kitchen, near the breakfast table, Inez and Gigi are talking to Mr. Glenn.