The difference between last night and this morning is monumental.
Last night, Riley and I pleasured each other, played with the kittens for a while, watchedMoana—Riley’s niece’s favorite movie. I’d never seen it but found it incredibly enjoyable—and fell asleep naked in his bed.
He didn’t try to do more than kiss me and hold me close, while his gentle fingers caressed my back until I drifted to sleep.
When I woke, I was alone. The sun brightened the room and Riley was nowhere to be found. I checked the family room for him. The kittens played securely in the playpen I’d ordered. Guess it came last night or early this morning. Did Riley set it up? He had to have; no one else takes care of the kittens except us.
The litter box is in there, too, and the kittens seem content on a pile of blankets. Itty-bitty chews on Vizzini’s ear, but he doesn’t seem to mind. Such cute little furballs.
“Riley?” I call out.
No response.
I find my phone on the coffee table and check social media for a post about last night.
For a moment, it seems we’re in the clear until I check my messages. Porsha sent me a text with a headline and picture.
“Looks like Nova has a new man. Rebound guy or baby daddy to her unborn child?”
The photo is grainy and not of good quality. Still, it’s clear enough to tell it’s me on a bike, sweating and looking alarmed. Riley is a tad blurry, but I recognize him. Does that mean the Mafia will, too?
Shit, shit. I wish we hadn’t gone on that stupid bike ride. No matter how great the outcome was in terms of Riley and me getting closer, nothing is worth his well-being and peace of mind. What if he leaves? Could I handle it?
Instead of heading off to look for him, I shower and pray he isn’t gone.Please let him still be here.I deserve a goodbye, don’t I?
With damp hair, I change into some clothes I stuffed in a bag before coming back to the pool house last night. The tank top dress hugs my curves and stops just below my knees. I add a cropped jean jacket for warmth. My weather app showed heavy fog, which makes it chilly out compared to a day with full sun. I text Riley as I make my way to the main house.
Me: Hey. Are you okay?
No reply.
A distant voice catches my attention as I walk across the lawn. Riley stands by the bougainvillea arch near the property wall. His phone is to his ear, and he paces, talking to someone.
Relief cries out in me, and I release a huge sigh.He’s here. Thank the universe, he’s still here.
His shoulders and back look stiff.
He’s stressed. Must have seen the post.
I stand there watching him, debating what to do. Go over and comfort him or leave him be? What if he’s on the phone with his handler? At least he hasn’t left.
He has my text. I can wait until he’s done and contacts me. I will wait, no matter how impatient I might be.
I head to the house to get breakfast—or brunch, considering the time. 11 a.m. I’m surprised my sugar hasn’t dropped, but then, I snacked on popcorn before going to bed last night. It must have helped.
Mr. Jones and a few other gardeners are pruning the roses outside the back entrance to the main house. “Morning,” I say and enter the open French doors.
The house is quiet, except for a vacuum sounding from somewhere upstairs.
I enter the kitchen. Gigi and Inez are talking. They stop and look at me.
“You see?” Gigi says. “She’s fine, like I said.” She walks to me and kisses my cheeks. “Morning, darling. Late night?”
Her insinuating tone and expression say she knows about me and Riley. How?