Page 56 of Hiding Forever

I return to my spot on the floor. “It says we need to provide the proper nutrition, which we do. And if we choose to leave dry cat food out, we need to make sure they don’t overeat or we can put the kittens on a feeding schedule, and we need to provide clean water at all times.” I lower the pamphlet. “What do you think?”

Riley pets Itty-bitty and Poppy behind the ears. “Sounds good.”

“No.” I laugh. “Which should we do: leave the food out or put them on a schedule?”

He shrugs. “What do you think?”

I laugh again. “I don’t know. That’s why I’m asking you.”

“I’m not a cat expert, Nova. What happens if they overeat?”

I read the pamphlet and wrinkle my nose. “They vomit.”

“Scheduled feedings sound good,” Riley says with all seriousness.

“Definitely. I guess we can give them a snack for now. It says to feed them twice a day, but they’re kittens, and I think they’re hungry.”

“Or they just want attention,” Riley suggests.

“Maybe. But to be sure, I’m going to put out some more food.” I give Vizzini to Riley, whose hands are now entirely full, and sprinkle some food into small separate bowls from the kitchen. “We should label these or get them their own, so they learn they have their own food bowls.”

I return to Riley, balancing the bowls carefully in my hands, and set them on the floor in front of the kittens.

Vizzini meows and tries to escape Riley’s hold. He sets him down by one of the food bowls and Vizzini starts in.

Poppy lifts her head and crawls off Riley’s lap, headed toward the middle bowl. She stretches and then eats, too. Riley places Itty-bitty in front of the third bowl. She paws the tiny pellets, sniffs them, and then nibbles on the food.

“They’re so cute, aren’t they?” I gush, watching our babies eat.

“They are.” Riley stands and brushes cat fur from his jeans and T-shirt. “They’re major shedders, too. Geez.”

I giggle. His clothes are dark in color, which makes the fur show easily, and it’s everywhere. “Let me help.” I brush his pant legs and move higher, accidentally brushing his dick. I gasp and try not to laugh too hard. “Sorry.”

When I glance up to meet his gaze, he’s smirking in that charming way.

“You make it hard for a girl.”

He straightens and glances at his groin. “I’m not hard.”

“Oh. No. I know. I mean, you make it hard for a girl to resist you.”


I nod and brush fur from his shirt, unable not to notice his rock-hard abs.

“Do I make it hard for you?”

“Very,” I say, then tense and glance up at him again.

Now the grin on his face is seductive.Wow.Can he be any sexier? If I were wearing underwear, it’d be wet. It would be easy to fall into bed with Riley, but I’d never want to use him as a crutch to get over Justice. I’m still trying to figure things out.