Page 21 of Hiding Forever

I nod, not blind to the hints Gigi keeps throwing out. “She’s sweet.”

“Sweet indeed. Someone should remind her of that.” She pats my arm. “I’m off for a morning walk. Don’t forget your breakfast.”

I considered waiting until she’s far enough away that she wouldn’t see me go to the gym, but knowing Gigi, she would swing back, pretending to forget something, and bust me.

Here goes nothing. I enter through the side door and walk into the kitchen, where I greet Inez.

“Riley. I was getting worried.” She lifts the tray off my plate of food that’s set up at the breakfast table. “Your usual.”

Behind the surly exterior, Inez is a marshmallow, always catering and caring for the people around her.

“Thanks. I appreciate it.” I sit at the table. The morning haze has lifted and the sunlight shines on the garden area beyond the rows of windows.

“Tell me, is it good?” She asks the same thing every morning.

I take a bite of my omelet. “Delicious as always.”

“That’s right. Don’t you forget it. Now eat up.”

I smile and shovel the eggs into my mouth. I might get a cramp or stomachache from eating this quickly, but the faster I get out of here, the better.

Inez places a table setting in front of the chair next to mine.

“Who’s that for?” I ask, dreading the answer.

“For Nova. She’ll be down shortly.”

Must eat faster.

“Slow down, Riley. It’s not good for your digestive system.”

I swallow the last bite. “My digestive system works just fine, and thank you for the scrumptious omelets.”

She beams and heads for the stove.

I guzzle my glass of orange juice, wipe my mouth, and put my plate in the sink.

“Always such good manners. Thank you, Riley.”

“I’m off to work out.”

She gives me a questioning look. “You don’t work out until the afternoon.”

“Yeah. I’m changing things up today.”

“It’s good to change up your routine, but it’s also good to take a day off and give yourself and body a rest once in a while.”

“I’ll rest when I’m dead,” I tease.

She shakes her head and returns her attention to the pot on the stove.

I hurry out the side door and exhale with relief. Breakfast could be a problem if Nova will be joining me each morning. Might have to switch up my routine even more.