Page 13 of Hiding Forever

“He’s not my age.” He’s two years older, if memory serves me correctly.

“You’re much closer to his age than anyone else who will be there.” Her brows go up with her hopeful expression.

I sigh. “Fine. If Riley comes to dinner, text me and I’ll show up for a little.”

“And if he doesn’t?”

Ah-ha! I knew she had an ulterior motive. “I’ll be fine in my room.”

“At least come down and let Inez fix you a plate of pasta. You know how she loves to feed people and prides herself on her cooking.”

“I can do that.”

She smiles and presses her hands together. “Thank you, dear. And should you see Riley eating pasta alone on the grounds somewhere, feel free to join him. He’s mending his life, as well. Maybe you two can help each other.”

“I’m not looking for a friend.”

“Neither is he, which is why he might be the perfect distraction. A sympathetic ear to share your concerns.”

Riley is mending his life? Is he suffering from a broken heart, too? His story gets more and more intriguing.

“I’ll think about it,” I say and turn to leave. “I’m going to sketch.”

“Pasta Buffet Night starts at eight.”

I laugh and shake my head as I exit the closet.