Page 3 of Hiding Forever

“Of course not.” I clip a smile. Inez is nosey personified. Too bad she doesn’t know more about what Riley is doing here, and why he has the suite I wanted for myself.

The door behind me clicks open and then closes.

Inez checks her watch and smiles at the young man who just entered the room. “Right on time, Aaron.”

He nods and glances at me, his eyes aglow with a star-struck look. I know that look and only started getting it when I began dating Justice. I almost blurt, “Save it for Hope,” but then she’s probably received that look her entire life for just being herself.

“Gigi’s granddaughter is to be set up in the Zen room,” Inez says in a curt tone, as if to remind him I’m not a celebrity. I’m family and not to be gawked at. “Please deliver her luggage there promptly.”

“Yes, ma’am.” Aaron stiffens, taking the hint.

For a second, I think he’s going to salute her.

Poor guy. I give him a soft smile, but he doesn’t dare glance my way again.

I’d guess he’s around my age, twenty-two or maybe a bit younger. He’s cute, too, with those hazel eyes and curly brown hair. Something about him seems familiar.

He takes my luggage and rolls it out another side door that leads to an elevator I used to play in when I was a kid.

“New employee?” I ask Inez.

“Aaron is Mr. Jones’s son. You remember his dad. He’s the landscaper.”

“Oh. That’s why he looks familiar.”

“Come.” Inez waves for me to follow her. “I have refreshments set up by the pool for you and Gigi. Let’s not keep her waiting.”