I pulled out a chair and sat at a nearby table, facing away from them. They carried on their hushed conversation with no idea I was even here.
“I’m sure you’ve heard about Huntington,” my father said.
I couldn’t see the mayor’s expression, but I heard the pity in his voice. “Such a shame.”
“It’s an embarrassment is what it is. We’ll need someone to take his place. Someone more careful.”
It didn’t even surprise me how quick the Brotherhood was to dismiss Malcolm. These men were loyal to no one but themselves.
A server walked by with a tray full of champagne. I wasn’t typically a sparkly shit kind of guy, but I needed something and that was my only option right now.
I grabbed a glass, immediately regretting it after the first sip.
My dad’s voice carried, but I still had to strain to hear his words. “The next induction ceremony is tomorrow night at St. Peter’s. You’ll be hand-delivered a formal invitation. Bring it with you. If you’re successful, your only obligation will be to us.”
“Meaning the Brotherhood comes first, always. Over pride. Over obligation. Over conscience.” He paused. “Over family.”No shit.“Periodically we’ll send a bill across your desk. There will be specific verbiage so that you’ll know it’s ours. Your job is to make sure those bills pass.” There was a moment of silence, as if maybe the mayor seemed unsure. Then Dad continued, “You’ll be well compensated.”
I fucking knew it.
Running their empires, playing their demented fucking sex games and destroying their families’ lives wasn’t enough for them.
They were after it all.