Chapter forty-nine

I met Liam in the foyer. “Did you handle it?”

His hazel eyes went dark as his expression turned grim. “He’s out cold.” He meant Alexander.

Before I went to sleep last night, I made sure Grey was taking care of the king. Not that there was ever any doubt. That motherfucker had had a hard-on for Winston since the day he took Sadie. That shit in his chamber yesterday was foreplay compared to what Grey was going to do to him. I was kind of sad I wouldn’t be here to have a front-row seat. Or maybe I would. That all depended on how much patience Grey had.

“There’s going to be a tragic fire. The cottage is old, and we’ve been needing to tear it down for years, so no one will question it.” Liam sounded excited as he relayed how the story was going to go. “Prince Alexander was there fixing it up as a wedding gift for Ani. The roof collapsed, and he didn’t make it out.” He tipped his head to one side and smirked. “At least, that’s the story as we’re going to tell it.”

I grinned.

My dawg.

I liked this motherfucker. That trust issue I had yesterday seemed like a bunch of bullshit now.

“Sounds like you’ve got it under control.” There was nothing left for me to do, and that made my fucking chest ache.

His face grew serious. “Thank you for taking care of my sister, for keeping her safe.”

I felt like a fraud, which was exactly why I had to leave. I’d forced enough shit on her for one lifetime. Whatever happened from here was going to be strictly her decision.

I clapped him on the shoulder. “That’s your job now.”

I would rather have burned this palace down and pissed on its ashes than walked away from it, leaving her here, but here I was, for the first time in my life, doing the right thing.

The sun was shining over the palace gardens. Rays of light reflected off the stream as I crossed the bridge on my way to the cottage. Liam said he was going to take care of Alexander, and I was going to let him. But there was something I needed to do first.

I pushed open the door, and memories of Anniston pinned to the bed slammed into my chest. Her body broken and bloody. The part of her beautiful soul that darkened like mine the moment she pulled the trigger.

I almost poured the gasoline and struck the match myself.

Alexander was in the middle of the room, hanging from a beam, his arms stretched above his head, wrists in chains. His feet barely touched the floor. Just like I was during The Induction. There was a white cloth between his teeth and tied around his head in a gag. His head had fallen forward from whatever Liam gave him to knock him out. I walked over and slapped him, hoping to wake him the fuck up. I wanted him to see my face. I needed him to feel every second of what was about to happen.

He didn’t move.

Apparently, Liam and I were on the same page, because on the table with the sex-torture toys there was a bottle of ammonia and a rag.

I soaked the cloth, then brought it to Alexander’s nose, grinning when he startled awake. “Good morning, sunshine.” I held his face in my hands and forced him to look at me. “Remember me?”

His eyes grew wide as he fought to scream over the gag in his mouth.

“Damn, that’s got to hurt,” I said as I pressed a finger to the bullet wound in his chest.

He screamed against the gag.

“My girl really fucked you up.” I smiled. “Did you catch that, dickbag? I saidmygirl.” My hand wrapped around his throat as I narrowed my gaze on him. “You can try to kidnap her, slice her skin, try to rape her…” My pulse pounded as my grip tightened around his throat. “But she will always bemine.”

His eyes began to gloss over as his breath grew weak. I let go of his throat and took a step back before I killed him. It wasn’t time. Not yet.

“Did you know that in prison, some people will shove cell phones up their ass in order to smuggle them in?” I let go of his face, and his head fell forward. “I bet you didn’t know that.” I chuckled. “A fucking cell phone.” I winced. “Ouch.”

He muttered some incomprehensible words through the gag. His nostrils flared with every breath he took, trying to refill his lungs.

I continued speaking as though I understood every word. “I completely agree. That is pretty fucked up.” I cocked my head and studied him, thinking if it wasn’t for me, Anniston would’ve had to fuck this dude for the rest of her life. Thank God for blessings. “It’s amazing what will fit up your ass with a little effort and determination.” I grabbed one of the butt plugs from the table. “Plugs.” I dropped it on the floor. “Cell phones.” I picked up the gun Anniston used to shoot him. “Weapons.”

His feet left the floor, and his legs kicked when I reached down to unfasten his pants. It didn’t matter. I was stronger than him and was running on pure adrenaline. This was the shit I lived for. I yanked his pants and underwear off his ass, then walked around and pressed the gun between his cheeks.

He squealed like the fucking pig he was.

“Well, damn.” I clicked my tongue against my teeth. “It seems we’re all out of lube.” I shoved the gun farther, pressing the muzzle against his asshole. He kicked and screamed. I grabbed a handful of his hair and yanked his head back so that my mouth was at his ear. “This will hurt a lot worse if you don’t be still.” I pushed the gun past his entrance. He flinched and flailed. “I am not responsible for whatever happens if this thing fires a bullet up your asshole because you can’t follow simple fucking directions.”

He stilled.

I let out a breath. “Jesus. That’s more like it.” I shoved the gun deeper. “It’s not so fun when it’s the other way around, is it?”

He vehemently shook his head.

“Remember that next time you think about touching my girl.” I pushed the gun the rest of the way in, all the way to the grip, then stepped away to look him in the eye. “Oh, that’s right.” I slapped his cheek with two light taps. “There won’t be a next time.” Then, I took my own gun from the waistband of my pants and fired a bullet between his eyes.