Then they both took a spot on a bed and we spent the next few minutes talking to the girls. We told them where we were from. Lincoln talked mostly about Lyric. Caspian described his island paradise and Tatum’s ballet. We asked them questions and they gave us one-word answers. We pretty much did whatever we could to make them comfortable, to earn their trust.

I nodded toward the two closed doors, not believing none of us had thought to check inside. “What’s in there?”

One of them spoke up, pointing at the farthest door, “That’s the bathroom.” She pointed at the second door. “That’s where he sits and watches. No one else ever goes in there.”

Acid roiled in my gut.Where he watches.I suddenly wished I had shoved the knife up his ass.

Liam burst through the door, breathless and sweating.

“Fucking finally,” Lincoln said as he stood up. “Took you long enough.”

“Here.” Liam tossed a pile of clothes onto one of the beds. “I’m sorry, but I have to go.”

I jumped off the bed and bolted to the door, grabbing him by the arm. “You aren’t going anywhere.”

He yanked free from my grasp and glared at me. “My sister is gone and there’s blood in her room.” The veins in his neck bulged and pulsed as he gritted his teeth. “I dare you to try to stop me.”

Rage bubbled up inside me. Bubbling and bubbling, burning through every one of my veins until it spilled over the edge, eating up all the space in the room.

Anniston was gone.

I sent her away and someone took her.

“Get them dressed, then get them out of here,” I said, nostrils flaring as fury crawled over my skin. I looked at Lincoln. “You know where to go from here.” Then I turned to Liam. “Whoever took her better hope to hell that’s their blood in her room, because if she has one mark on her body that wasn’t put there by me, I swear to fuck I will kill them all.”