Liam studied the table, then the girls, then the video cameras. “What the fuck?”

“Your father has some fucked-up extra-curricular activities,” Caspian said.

Liam shook his head. “I knew the Brotherhood was fucked up. I knew Da was a perverted son of a bitch after he chose Sadie to replace Ma, but this—” He pointed at the group of girls. “—This isn’t Judgement Day or arranged marriages or political manipulation. This is…” He looked away, not able to finish his sentence.

Caspian moved in front of Liam and placed a hand on each of his shoulders, as if trying to break some sort of mental barrier before Liam lost his shit. “We have to get them out of here and we have to do it now before your dad changes his mind.”

The last thing we needed was for these girls to witness a massacre. And that was exactly what would happen if Winston or anyone else tried to stop us.

Liam nodded. “Yeah.” He swallowed hard, his jaw tight and eyes resolute. “And if Grey doesn’t make him pay for this, I sure the fuck will.”

I liked him better by the minute.

“Grey’s driver is still here. I made sure he waited.”

Caspian stood at the door, making sure no one was coming. I kept my hand on my gun, just in case.

“Where are you taking them?” Liam asked.

No one answered. New guy and all. I liked Liam. I knew he’d been through some shit with the Brotherhood. I knew that, just like us, he’d been exposed to their depravity. But I didn’t know the whole story. I also knew he’d surprised me, and that was hard to do.Anniston did it.Even so, liking someone and trusting them were two different sides of the street. The only one of us who really even knew him was Caspian. Typically, if Caspian trusted someone, I did too, but being that this dude came from the king’s nutsack, I needed a minute. The fact that none of the girls seemed to react to his presence or recognize him was a huge swing in his favor.

“Somewhere safe,” I answered, finally.

“My driver can help, too.”

Yeah. That was good. We just needed to get them to the airport. Lincoln had it from there.

I sat on the edge of the bed. “We’re not here to hurt you.” I made sure my movements were slow and cautious, approaching them like you would an injured bird, delicate and fragile. “We’re here to help you. We want to get you out of here.” Even though my heart was racing, my actions couldn’t be aggressive, which was hard as fuck for me.

They had no reason to trust us. For all they knew, we were scooping them up and taking them to the next level of Hell.

I looked over at Lincoln then to the video cameras. “Take those down. Break the motherfuckers, for all I care.” They needed some kind of show of good faith. “And do it fast.”

Lincoln grabbed one camera while Liam took the other and smashed it to the ground.

“No one is going to hurt you. No one is going to touch you.” I made sure to look each of them in the eye. “But we really need to get you out of here.”

“Do you have clothes somewhere?” I asked, and the girl closest to me shook her head.

“Anniston has clothes,” Liam chimed in, and I whipped my head in his direction.

“No.” A rush of blood roared in my ears. “She has nothing to do with this. She doesn’t need to see this or even know about it.” I pinned Liam with a glare. “Understand?”

“I meant I could go get some of her clothes without her knowing, asshole.”

“Yeah, that’s a good idea,” Caspian piped in, his calm voice dousing the flames roiling inside me. “Hurry the fuck up.”

Liam walked out the door without sparing me as much as a glance.

“You fuck a girl one time and suddenly you’re her daddy,” Lincoln said, rolling that goddamn toothpick between his teeth.

Four times—twice in the pussy and twice in the mouth—but who’s counting.

“You’re fucking right. And neither one of you assholes has any room to talk.”

Lincoln threw his hands up in the air.

Caspian laughed—the quiet, smartass kind of laugh that I’d given him a thousand times when he talked about Tatum.Asshole.