Before I took my next breath, Lincoln was on the king like a fly on shit. He yanked him out of his chair and had him pinned over a nearby table with his hands behind his back. Lincoln took his elbow and pressed the king’s face against the hard, walnut surface. His head hit the wood with a thud as slobber flew out of the corners of his mouth. It was too bad that fucker couldn’t stand playing by the rules. He would have made one hell of a professional MMA fighter. Instead he liked the underground shit.
Winston let out a roar when Linc pulled his arms until his shoulder blades were damn near touching.
Linc glanced over his shoulder at the rest of us. “Who’s gonna take it from here?”
I straightened my shoulders and cleared my throat. “Look, I’m not trying to step on any egos, but I think we all know I have the biggest dick.”
Lincoln huffed a laugh. “Youarethe biggest dick.”
“That, too. But Grey’s a close second.”
Grey chuckled, a rare thing if I had to guess. I’d only ever seen him cold and sterile. “You go ahead.”
With fucking pleasure.
I slowly walked over to the table. My hands gripped the king’s wrists. My body held him down with its weight as I leaned over him while Lincoln kept his elbow on Winston’s cheek. I didn’t even try to hide the amusement in my tone. “Did you hear that? The council voted. It’s my turn.” I brought my face directly in front of his. “Since our other tactics didn’t seem to work, we thought we’d try a different approach.”Since you fed your daughter to the big bad wolf in order to keep your fucked-up fetish, I’m going to fuck you up.Winston’s eyes blazed with fire. Or maybe it was fear. It was hard to tell. “We’ll keep it simple and call itTit for Tat.” I stood back up. “What should I do first? Fuck your hairy ass? Make you bleed like I did your daughter?” I had no intention of putting my actual dick in this motherfucker’s ass, but… sacrifices and all that bullshit. I was pretty sure just the tip was enough to scare the shit out of him.
He gritted his teeth. “You’re wasting your time.”
“Is that what you tell the girls when they beg?”
Caspian stepped forward and handed me a knife, which seemed like much more fun than my gun.Showtime, motherfucker.
I held it to the side of Winston’s face. Fucking-A. He and Lincoln could have matching scars. “I could slice you open right now without blinking. I heard somewhere that fresh blood makes good lube.” My other hand popped open the button of my suit pants. “Does blood make good lube, Your Majesty? Do you use it to fuck helpless girls?” I unzipped my pants. The metallic rasp resounded like a symphony of chains in the quiet room. “Oh, that’s right. You prefer piss.” Memories of the girls at The Grove crashed into me, making my blood surge. I pressed the blade into his skin, only breaking the surface.So far. “Tell us where you make the videos.”
His eyes were wide and brimming with tears, but he still wasn’t talking. It was so quiet, I was surprised we couldn’t hear each other’s heartbeats. Lincoln kept his elbow pressed against the king’s face. That little glimpse of insanity that sometimes reared its twisted head, flashed in his eyes. I wondered what Caspian and Grey were doing, but I was too focused on Winston to peek and find out.
“Normally, this isn’t my thing, but thanks to fucked-up parenting, I missed the whole college experimental experience.” I grabbed the waistband of Winston’s pants and tugged until the fabric ripped, leaving a mark where it dug into his flesh before finally giving in. “Seems like I have some catching up to do.” I tugged harder, tearing more, exposing parts of his pale skin. “Or maybe…” I clicked my tongue on the roof of my mouth. “Maybe I could save my dick for the princess and use the handle of this knife to annihilate your asshole.” I brought the knife to his ass and used it to rip the fabric the rest of the way.
From the time we put our plan into motion, I hoped to be the one to rain down wrath upon Anniston’s douchebag of a father. Pride swelled in my chest knowing it was me who had the power to light the match and burn this motherfucker down. But I also knew it didn’thaveto be me. Any one of us was vicious enough to stand where I stood right now and do whatever it took.
I trailed the tip of the blade over his bared flesh.Whatever it took.
Right then, Liam stepped into the room. His face paled when he saw his father. I winced and sucked a breath through my teeth.Yeah. That’s gotta be awkward.
For the first time since I’d pinned him down, the king trembled in my grasp when he spotted his son. “Wait!” His breath was heavy and harsh. “Stop. I’ll tell you what you want to know.”
Relief and disappointment warred within me as I moved the knife away, let go of his wrists, then fastened my pants. Lincoln lifted his elbow and backed away from the table. Caspian studied the king with narrowed eyes. Grey reached behind his back, and I recognized the click of a gun being taken off safety.
The king stood up, his chest heaving, his eyes welled with tears. “There’s a cottage on the other side of the bridge behind the palace gardens. It’s at the bottom of a hill and surrounded by trees. No one’s lived there in years.” He scrubbed a hand over his face, probably trying to regain his composure. “That’s what you’re looking for.”
Grey looked at me. “Go.” Darkness clouded his bright blue eyes. “I’ll take care of him.”