“You got it, boss,” the other man said and then the line went quiet.

The streets were mostly empty. There were only a few lights shining through windows of brick buildings with metal balconies. It was so different from the busy streets and tall glass buildings that surrounded Chandler’s apartment. The sky was dark, like the irreverence that began slipping out of me the first time Chandler touched me. Now I was engulfed in it.

I’d just had sex for the second time in my life, in a room full of other people, underneath a church, on an altar. I should have been mortified. I should have run back into the cathedral and fallen to my knees. Instead, I felt more alive than ever. Every cell in my body that had been dormant my whole life had been awakened. I was still reeling from his touch.

I wanted more.

I hoped there would be more.

Then why did you come here?

To take the devil’s throne.

And you need to use me to do it.

I prayed he wasn’t using me.

The quieter it got, the more I dissected his words. The more I dissected his words, the more anxious I became.

We passed a big truck with yellow flashing lights. A rotating brush jutted out from the bottom, sweeping trash away from the curb. I stared out the window, taking it all in. Chandler turned left, then right, not caring if the light was red or green.

Curiosity wrapped around me like a thorny vine. The silence was too much. “What was that back there?”

Chandler never took his eyes off the road. “You’re bleeding. I need to get you cleaned up before I take you home.”

“No. I meanthat.” I pointed a finger back in the direction from where we came. Miles of buildings and roads were between us now. “All of it.”

He pulled up behind a building and put the car in park, ignoring me and climbing out.

I opened my door and almost ran into him when I jumped out. “What was that?”

“You weren’t supposed to be there.”

“Oh, and you were?”

His gaze traveled over my face, down my body, at the bloody white robe and underwear, then back up to my eyes, inspecting me, taunting me,awakeningme. He licked his lips. “Sometimes it’s best to leave shit alone.”

I swallowed. “If you weren’t there to save those girls, then why were you there? Why was Grey there? What did any of it have to do with the Brotherhood?” I straightened my posture. Maybe it didn’t have anything to do with the Brotherhood at all. Maybe I’d been wrong. “What. Was. That?”

I followed him there. I sat in a freaking dungeon for over an hour, terrified for my life and his. I gave myself to him. I deserved to know why.

“Look, my brother is into that kind of stuff, too.” I made the mistake of following Liam into the woods outside of Ayelswick once on a night they called Summer’s End. Once was enough. And not because what I saw didn’t excite me, but becauseit did. A darkness swirled inside Chandler that I was drawn to. Now that I’d had a taste of his brand of pleasure, I never wanted anything else. He brought out forbidden desires in me I never knew existed before now. Like getting aroused in the face of danger.“Everybody has their thing. I’m not judging you. It’s just—”

“What?” Chandler backed me against the brick wall, then grabbed my wrists and held my arms above my head. He pressed into me, pushing me hard against the brick wall while he moved his thigh between my legs. He was still in nothing but his underwear, and the thin cotton fabric did nothing to restrain his hard cock. His eyes narrowed, and pure, raw need welled up inside me. “It’s justwhat?” His thigh flexed against my core.


My heart felt as if it were trying to burst out of my chest. “If I hadn’t followed you there, would you have just ended up fucking the next girl in line?” I closed my eyes, embarrassed at my insecurity.

His lips moved along my jawline, then down to my neck, stopping a hair away from my skin. “Jealousy isn’t your color, baby.”

Tingles erupted up and down my body. “I’m not jealous.” My eyes popped open. “I’m curious.”

He moved both my wrists to one hand, letting the other glide down the front of my body. “Here is all you need to know—It’s not what you think, not even close. I fuckedyoubecause I wanted to fuckyou. And then I dragged you out of there and brought you here because as much as I crave your humility, I can’t stand the thought of someone else seeing you like this.” He brought his face an inch from mine. I gasped when his finger ran over my panties, along the seam of my pussy. “I know you won’t let it go for good, but I need you to let it go for now.” He moved my panties to the side and thrust a finger inside me. I was frozen, rooted to the ground at the ferocity in his voice and the memory of the way he fucked me. “Because every man has his breaking point, and I’ve been flirting with mine for about two hours.”

I felt his warm breath on my lips. My hips rocked against his hand, wanting more,needingmore.

He chuckled, low and deep as he slid his finger out, then brought it to his mouth, swirling his tongue around it. “I’m still inside you, Little Rebel.” He rubbed the same finger across my lips. “I told you. You’re mine now.”