“I said come the fuck in.”

Still nothing.

“I swear to god, Leo, I’m going to kick your ass.” I flung open the door to find nothing but empty space. Unease clawed its way up my throat, and I swallowed it back down.

I glanced around the space outside my office, even walked to the railing and checked the stairs.


No one.

Whoever it was didn’t even leave behind a scent, not a trace that anyone was ever here. I had a bad feeling about this.

Something caught my foot as I stepped back inside my office. On the floor, just outside my door, a solid black envelope lay face down, a dot of red wax sealing it shut.

I picked it up, then quietly closed my door before taking a seat at my desk. My blood ran ice-cold when I opened the envelope and pulled out its contents—a single black postcard with the Obsidian logo on the front. My name was on the back in blood-red ink along with two words written in script:The Induction.

Yeah, the timing on that was extremely coincidental.