Carl didn’t know it yet, but he was about to play a very important role in helping me take down my father.
Leo sat in on our conversation. I kept no secrets from him. There was no reason to. I trusted Leo with my life, and he trusted me with his.
When it was all said and done, Carl stood up and shook my hand, satisfied with my offer, then walked out of my office with a smile on his face.
“Damn, dude. Remind me not to get on your bad side,” Leo said once we were alone again.
“Not a fucking chance.” I smirked.
“Even if I fuck the princess?”
“Fuck around and find out.”
“I knew it.” He shook his head. “I fucking knew it.”
“Wasn’t there something you needed to tell me last night? Something that doesn’t involve spreading your STDs.”
He flipped me off. “Oh, yeah. It’s about that website you linked me up with. I’m still having trouble getting in the back door to shut it down. There’s some other shit going on in there that doesn’t make sense.” He got up, walked around my desk and pointed to my monitor. “Fire it up. I wanna show you something.” He grabbed my keyboard, sliding it across the wood surface while I typed in my password. After clicking a few keys and swiping the mouse, he stood up, folding his arms over his chest. “Look.”
I stared at the screen. “Yeah?” We were at a popular website where people could order anything from toilet paper to used cars. All they had to do was outbid other buyers. Leo had taken us to an image of a glass coffee table with brass legs and edges. “You redecorating?”
“Check out the price.”
Fifteen thousand dollars. I didn’t even pay fifteen thousand dollars for my shit. “I didn’t realize you’d gotten a raise.”
He leaned down and clicked on the image.Out of stock.“There hundreds of items like this on this site.” He closed the tab and went to the Crimson Sin website. “You ready for the creepy shit?”
“Sure, because online furniture shopping in the middle of a porn bust isn’t weird as fuck already.”
“See that link?” He pointed to a link within the caption of one of the videos on the site.
I nodded. “Yeah.”
He clicked it, and my whole fucking body went numb when it took us right back to the coffee table.
What in the actual fuck?
“What do you think it means?”
He closed out all the links. “I have a theory, but I need more time.” Yeah, I had a theory, too, and it made me want to throw the fuck up. “But I did trace the IP address to…” He paused to tap his hands on top of my desk in a drum roll. Fucking drama queen. “… Ayelswick.”
I should have fucking known.
“You’re sure?”
Leo arched a brow. “Have I ever been wrong?”
In the ten years he’d been hacking into shit for me, starting with email passwords and finding unlisted phone numbers, Leo had never once been wrong.
“Thanks, man. I owe you.”
“I’ll put it on your tab,” he said with a grin as he walked out the door.
Not even two minutes later, there was another goddamn knock.
“Jesus, what now?”