Chapter two

Da had always said it was important, as a future king and queen, for my brother Liam and me to travel outside the boundaries of our country and learn new things. In nine months, I was marrying Prince Alexander, the man next in line to be the king of Norway—an arrangement that had been made between our fathers right after my eighteenth birthday. Human relations were a big part of that role, experiencing outside worlds before ruling my own. There were certain expectations. I knew this was coming. I just didn’t know when.

Your father is the reason you’re going.

Coming from anyone other than this man, I would’ve assumed he simply meant the trip was a gift. From the lips of Grey Van Doren, they sounded cryptic.

“I saw him two days ago, and he didn’t mention it.” I walked around the bed. The anxious energy coursing through me wouldn’t let me be still.

“The opportunity just came up. I’m sure he’s sorry he’s not here to tell you himself,” Grey said.

There was an unspoken rule that when Da was out of town, he was not to be disturbed. That meant phone calls, emails, text messages, carrier pigeons—no interruptions. I was used to it by now. For a man who ruled a kingdom, he didn’t spend much time here. When he was gone, Liam acted in his place, which wasn’t saying much for the solidity of Ayelswick. Liam’s idea ofloyaltywas sleeping with the same girl twice.

Funny how an unreachable man had managed to talk to Grey but couldn’t talk to me.

If my father was still out of town, that meant… “Liam isn’t going.”

Every girl in Ayelswick talked about going to America. There was something thrilling about the experience that I’d been waiting for since I was a teenager. I wanted to eat greasy food and ride rollercoasters. I dreamed about highways and skyscrapers. But something felt off, and I didn’t want to go without Liam.

As if reading my thoughts, Grey said, “You won’t be alone. Your father is already there.”

Relief filled my lungs, and my heart started beating again. It wasn’t Liam, but it was better than being alone.

“I thought you might want to use this,” Sadie said as she stretched out her arm and handed me a leather-bound journal. “You can capture the experience in those pages. Write down all your thoughts.”

I grabbed the journal and dropped it on my bed. It landed with a quiet thud on top of my comforter. “Thanks.”When did she have time to buy me this? How long has she known?

Grey eyed the journal, then looked back up at me. His steely-blue gaze was as unreadable as ever. “Pack your things. We leave in an hour.”

An hour? Who planned a trip to another continent, packed their suitcase, and left within an hour?

Apparently, my father and Grey Van Doren. That was who.

Liam stood in my doorway as I folded the last sundress and placed it in my suitcase. It wouldn’t be the same going without my brother, but I was glad Da would be there.

He smiled an easy smile that made his hazel eyes crinkle at the edges and the corners of his mouth curve up. His dark hair fell over his forehead. He always had this way of looking like he’d just woken up, but he pulled it off as if it had taken him hours to look that way. “I can’t believe you get to go to America before I do.”

“Well, I am the favorite.” I smirked.

“Yeah? Well, if Da comes home before you do, I’ll be right there with you.”


“Does Kim Kardashian have killer curves?”

I scrunched my nose. Pop culture wasn’t my thing. Which was probably why a trip to America was a good idea. “Uhh… yes?”

Liam laughed, then pushed off the doorframe. “Yes.” He smiled again, this one softer, not as animated. “I promise.” He wrapped me in a hug and kissed the top of my head. “Now, get out of here before I make Grey let me trade places with you.” I doubt anyone made Grey do anything, but I appreciated him trying to ease my nerves—always the older brother.

I zipped up my suitcase, then went to meet Grey downstairs. He stood outside, at the bottom of the palace steps. A man dressed in an all-black suit held open the back door of a silver car. I inhaled a deep breath, as I took one last look at my home, soaking it all in and wondering if it would look the same when I came back.