Chapter nineteen

I fell asleep in my dress because I didn’t have the energy to put on my pajamas. And I didn’t wake up until the next morning when I heard Chandler’s voice booming in the hall. Obviously, I also didn’t have the energy to close my door.

“The timing is kind of coincidental, don’t you think?” he said to whoever was on the other line. His voice quieted, and the rest of his conversation was muffled, as if he were walking farther away.

I rubbed my eyes and cringed at my breath. Part of me hoped yesterday was nothing more than a nightmare, but if there was anything I’d learned by now, it was that hope was fruitless.

Chandler stepped into my room, looking like sin in black joggers, a solid black tee, and white Adidas tennis shoes. “Get dressed. We’re going shopping.”

I wanted to argue with him, but my arsenal was bone-dry. Besides, the idea of getting out of this apartment for a day was exciting. Staring at the walls or lying here, praying for sleep wasn’t going to change anything. I needed a distraction.

After a quick shower, I threw on a sundress, brushed my teeth, and met him downstairs.

His appraising stare cut through to the deepest corners of my soul. And when he licked his lips, it felt as if I were standing on the edge of darkness. I wore white on purpose, since the devil was in all black.

“Someone got their beauty sleep.”

Did he just call me beautiful?

I smirked. “And someone didn’t sleep at all.”

He huffed a laugh, then walked to the elevator. I followed him inside and held my breath as the doors slid closed. His body brushed against mine as he clapped his large hand over my eyes. That scent, woods and spice, did something to me. My breath struggled to leave my lungs. His skin on mine felt way too intimate.

“No peeking.” His low voice ghosted the shell of my ear.

“You don’t have to worry about that anymore. I’m not going anywhere.”

Chandler dropped his hand, then typed in the code, daring me to watch.

I didn’t.

Trying to escape was futile when I had nowhere to go. Chandler had said it. In five days, this would all come to an end, one way or another.

In my peripheral, I saw his expression soften when he caught me staring at the steel doors instead of the panel with the buttons.

He stepped behind me. “I stayed awake all night thinking about it, and you were wrong.” The heat from his body seeped into mine when he leaned forward. His lips brushed against my shoulder. “I’m nothing like your father.” He pulled my hair off my neck, sweeping it over one of my shoulders. “I fucked your mouth because I wanted to.” Hearing his voice without seeing his face added to the high that was firing through my bloodstream. I was suddenly very aware of the fact that we were trapped in a closed space with nowhere to run. “And when I bury my dick in your sweet little cunt—and Iwillbury it in your cunt…” He moved to the side of me, and I let out a breath. “…it will be because webothwant me to.” His gaze dropped to my mouth, causing every inch of my flesh to pebble in anticipation.

I should’ve been terrified. This game we were playing was dangerous. He was dangerous. But there was a certain satisfaction in knowing I may have had the tiniest bit of power over a man like that.

I swallowed hard and looked him in the eye. “You might be waiting a while.”

He moved in front of me, holding my stare. Just as I thought he was going to answer, the doors opened into the lobby.

Chandler let out a long breath, then led me out of the building onto the busy sidewalk. The sun was shining, and the air was warm and crisp.

“We’re walking?”

“Unless you’d rather hijack another taxi.” He smiled, and my stomach did a flip. This one was nice, like the one last night. It made his eyes light up.

“One misdemeanor per month is my limit.”

The smile grew wider. “My wallet is happy to hear that.”

“Why did you let me go yesterday, anyway?”

“I knew you wouldn’t get far.”

We walked past a coffee shop. The scent of a fresh roasted blend floated out into the street, and I couldn’t help but breathe it in. I loved my cups of tea, but there was something about the smell of coffee.

“Yeah, but you could have just stopped me when I ran out of the elevator, or right here on the sidewalk.”

“Some people can be told what their limits are. Others need proof.”

“Which one are you?”

“I don’t have limits.” His expression grew serious as his smile faded. “There’s nothing I won’t do.”