He smirked. “What? You were expecting someone else?” He shut the door with his foot, then walked over and set the beers on my desk. “Someone with bigger tits, about five-foot-six and blonde?”

“Why are you still here?”

“Why areyouhere?”

I grabbed one of the beers and let the foamy liquid cool my throat. “Because my name is on the deed.” I took another drink, then set the bottle back on the desk. “Which means I don’t need anyone’s fucking permission to come and go as I please.”

He held both hands up in surrender while he plopped his big ass on top of my desk. “I saw Charla heading upstairs with two beers and thought you might have changed your mind about fucking one of these bitches.”

He knew how I felt about mixing business with pleasure. I had never and would never fuck one of my girls. When I did have sex, it was a one-night stand and even those were rare.

“The fact that you call them ‘bitches’ says a lot about why you’re single.”

“I’m single because even though my heart is satisfied with an entrée, my dick prefers the buffet.” He emphasized his words by adjusting his cock in his pants.

I typed in my password, ignoring him.

He grabbed my second beer—the one I hadn’t drank from yet—and took a long pull. “You know, if you’re re-thinking what team you play on, I’d let you suck my dick.” He brought the bottle back to his lips and grinned around the rim. “I’m an equal opportunity provider.”

“What in the actualfuckare you talking about? Why the fuck would you think I want anything to do with your dick?”

I’d fucked plenty of girls. Not nearly as many as Leo, but enough to know I had no questions about myteam.

He swallowed, then set the bottle down. “I’m just saying. We’ve been friends a long fucking time, and I’ve never seen you run from anything like you’re running fromher.”

I put my Mac in sleep mode. There was no way I was getting any work done tonight. “I’m not running from her. I had shit to do.”

Leo stood up and walked around my desk, stopping right beside my chair. “Oh yeah? Like what?”

“I need you to look into a website for me.” I opened a drawer and pulled out a notepad and pen. “It’s called Crimson Sin,” I said as I wrote the name on the paper, then tore it from the pad and handed it to him. “Who hosts it? Where is its origin? Shit like that.”

“I can do that.” He held me with a stare, silently calling me on my bullshit.

I rolled my chair away from my desk and stood. “Good. The sooner, the better.”

Leo snickered as I walked past him toward the door.

“I’m not fucking running,” I said, then switched off the light so he’d know it was time to get the fuck out.

I spent the rest of the night lying on the couch in my office, staring into the darkness and replaying the entire day in my head. Her scent was embedded in my clothes. I could almost still feel her skin beneath my fingertips, the power that surged through me as I felt her heartbeat pulse in her throat. My hands clenched and unclenched as though I were still gripping her there. I’d never felt darkness like that before. It was like a siren calling to me, seducing me, begging me to see how much further I would go. The blowjob was just the beginning.

There was no greater temptation than revenge, and every second I spent with this girl made me feel like Adam staring at that fucking apple.

The princess didn’t scare me.

I scared myself because of the things I wanted to do to her.