Chapter nine

Grey didn’t tell me the princess was feisty… and curious as fuck. Actually, he didn’t tell me anything at all. Everything I knew, I learned from Instagram.

She was definitely going to be a challenge. I loved a challenge. It made my cock twitch. I couldn’t remember the last time I’d been challenged.

That fucking dress she wore did nothing to hide her curves. The silk clung to her tight little frame in ways that should be illegal.

I started the shower in my personal bathroom and let myself focus on the calming sound of running water while I unbuttoned and untucked my shirt.

A text came through right as I pulled my cell phone from my pocket.

Dad: That stunt you three pulled today won’t be easily forgotten.

Me: That was kind of the point.

We wanted them to remember, hoped it would sink in.

Dad: You have no idea who you’re dealing with.

Me: Guess that makes two of us.

I knew exactly who I was dealing with: A bunch of sick, perverted fucks who violated young girls for financial gain. So far, nothing pointed to my dad being involved, but that didn’t mean shit. He stood there and let Malcolm Huntington butcher an innocent girl without saying a word. He turned a blind eye to what happened to me when I was a kid. In my eyes, that made him—and my mother—just as guilty as the woman who did it. I wouldn’t put anything past him.

I didn’t hate my father. I didn’tlovehim either. It was hard to know what love was when you’d been spoonfed hate your entire life. I tolerated him. But one day, he would pay for his transgressions. They all would.

There was a time when I was ashamed of the darkness that shadowed my soul. I ran from the past that left me broken and scarred. Until I realized that the same darkness that comforted me had also molded me into the man I was. I’d survived it. And now I wasn’t afraid of anything.

As soon as I tossed my shirt onto the bathroom floor, I heard a loud crash across the hall.


It took me approximately four whole seconds to be out of my room and slinging the door open into hers. “The fuck are you doing?” I flipped the light switch, brightening the dark room. “What was that noise?”

She was bent over, nothing but ass, messing with something on the floor.

She spun around, her eyes narrowed, either from the sudden bright light or out of anger. “I wasn’t aware you were here to protect me.”

“I don’t give a fuck about you. I was worried you were in here throwing a tantrum and tearing up my shit.”Not a lie.

The solid white t-shirt she wore barely covered her ass and it was obvious she still hadn’t put on a bra. Or pants. I caught the tiny triangle of pink cotton panties. That little triangle was the only barrier between my eyes and her pussy.

Jesus, fuck.

She let out this growl that would’ve been cute on anyone but her. “God, you’re an asshole.”

I clicked my tongue against the roof of my mouth. “Come on, Princess. Is that the best you can do? Surely, I’m worse than that.”

She rolled her eyes and climbed back into bed. “That noise you heard was my suitcaseaccidentallyfalling on the floor.” She stressed the wordaccidentally.

Sure enough, next to the bed was her suitcase, face open with a mess of clothes piled on top. I guessed that was what she’d been messing with when I walked in.

“Turn the light off when you leave.” She turned her back to me. “And stop calling mePrincess. My name is Anniston.”

I didn’t say another word as I turned and walked out of the room, leaving the light on because… asshole.

I closed my bedroom door and grabbed my phone, scrolling until I found Grey’s number.

Me: Find another way to make Winston agree. I want her gone. Tomorrow.