Malcolm coughed and wheezed as he grabbed the hand on his throat. Caspian stared at him a few seconds longer, then finally dropped him. He immediately began gasping for air.

This.This was the kind of shit I lived for. It almost made my dick hard.

Grey pulled his hand from Caspian’s shoulder.

My dad stepped forward. “Nothing happened at The Grove except a group of men getting together and having a good time. Kids have been playing hide and seek for years. There’s nothing criminal about that.”

The fact that he considered raping and torturing young girls agood timedidn’t surprise me a bit.

I glanced at him and smiled. “I have four witnesses who might not agree.”

Four girls who had been beaten, tortured, pissed on, and raped.

Four girls Lincoln Huntington and I carried out of the woods that night and took to a place no one but us knew existed. We’d gone there to save Tatum from Khalid but ended up uncovering a whole lot more.

My dad’s face paled. “The girls. That was you.” He swallowed. “You took them.”

My eyes narrowed, mentally snapshotting the exact moment Pierce Carmichael realized he was fucked. “I had a little help.”

Grey cleared his throat. “One last little detail and we’ll be out of your hair.” He shifted his gaze to the king. “There’s a website called Crimson Sin. Heard of it?”

The king and Malcolm shared a look. Damn, I wished I’d been taking pictures of this shit.

Crimson Sin was a subscription-based porn site where men did every sick thing imaginable to young girls while filming it, then selling the footage. We were still figuring out the logistics of its origin, but we knew Malcolm and the king were involved.

When no one spoke up, Grey continued, “Yeah. I thought you might.” He moved directly in front of the king, inches from his face. Grey had balls. I liked him. “The first thing you’re going to do when you leave here is shut that fucking website down.” He took a step back and shoved a hand into his pocket as if this were a normal, everyday business meeting. “And to make sure you do that, I stopped by Ayelswick on my way here and picked up a little insurance policy.”

King Winston inhaled a deep breath and glared at Grey. “You took Sadie.”

Grey chuckled. “When I takemyqueen, it won’t be with the intention of giving her back.”

“Then who?”

I knew who.

And she was probably sitting her spoiled ass on my sofa, eating all my Little Debbie ice cream right now.

“You’ll find out soon enough,” Grey replied, then nodded toward the stairwell behind the cage—the one that led to Lincoln’s second-floor loft. “That’s all for today. We have other business to attend to.”

Caspian gave Malcolm one last glare. That bastard was lucky Caspian didn’t kill him. If Lincoln wasn’t already on top of that, he probably would have. But there was this whole sharing with the class bullshit we had going on. Letting everyone have a turn. Blah, blah, blah.

Grey had his moment with the king. His vengeance would come soon, and I’d give my left nut to be there when it happened. Scratch that. I’d give a finger. I needed both nuts intact.

I even got to watch my father squirm a bit.

All in all, it was a pretty good fucking day.

John Caldwell was a selfish, greedy dick-for-brains who’d managed to land a seat as District Attorney. He also had a bad gambling habit. I knew because I was the bookie who took his bets. Right now, he owed me about seventeen thousand dollars—give or take.

I opened my Bluetooth screen and scrolled down to his name on the drive home. His secretary put me right through.Good girl.

“Hey, John. It’s Chandler Carmichael.”

“Chandler…” A pause and a deep breath. “Hey. I’ve been meaning to call you…” He was stalling. Motherfuckers who owed money but couldn’t pay always fucking stalled.

I put him out of his misery. “I’m not calling about the money.”

He let out a heavy sigh into the phone. Relief, I’d guess.