He met my eyes, his confidence unwavering. “We willbothmake sure you win.”

I raked two hands through my hair, not believing what I heard. There was no way he said what I thought he said. “You’re going to throw the fight?”

“I told you I was here to save her and I meant it.”

His words shouldn’t have twisted my heart in my chest. I hated him. I had no problem killing him after what he did. Two minutes ago, I wanted to gouge his eyes out for looking at Lyric. But here he was, sacrificing himself. For her. For us.

Who the fuck was this man? Why would he do that? What was in it for him?

What are you hiding, Grey?

“Grey,” Lyric frantically shook her head. “No.” She threw her hands up in the air and growled. Fuckinggrowled.“This is insane. I won’t let either one of you do this.”

“Sweet Songbird,” I grabbed her hand and pulled her against my chest. “It looks like you don’t have a choice.”

I forced myself to breathe. For the second time in my life, I was going to walk away with another man’s blood on my hands.