Chapter thirty-seven

My hair was drenched in sweat. My shorts were soaked. Every breath made my lungs burn. Adrenaline fired through my veins like electricity. I moved around the cage with Jonah, my sparring partner, while Lyric sat in a nearby chair and watched. I hadn’t let her out of my sight in two days. The theater lights were off in the background. Only the cage and nearby rows of seating were illuminated. Deuce stood on the outside of the cage next to where Lyric sat.

Twenty percent of training was mental while eighty percent was physical. In an actual fight, it was the opposite. In reality, it was the mental strength that won rounds. Right now, I battled both. With every strike that landed, I saw my father’s face, heard his words ringing in my ears.

No one would bat an eye if something happened to you.

Maybe he was right. Maybe they wouldn’t.

But I wasn’t giving him the satisfaction of finding out.

Chandler and Caspian were still working on the plan for what to do with the information we’d stumbled upon while we were on the island. I even played my part, breaking into my parent’s house and tapping Dad’s computer. After years of sneaking in and out as a teenager, I knew exactly how to get inside—and into my father’s home office—undetected.

It was only a matter of time before Karma got her slice of the pie. There was an old proverb that said,Until the lion learns to write, every story will glorify the hunter.We were lions and we all had a hell of a story to tell. I couldn’t wait for the world to read it.

An immediate, sharp pain in my thigh where Jonah’s foot had connected with my flesh jolted me back in the moment. Damn. That was gonna leave a bruise.

“Go for the double,” Deuce called from my corner.

My strikes were solid, and they always connected, but my ground game was where I got them every fucking time. I was a master at making men tap out.

I slammed Jonah against the side of the cage and held my forearm in the hollow of his throat. His knee tried connecting with my kidney but missed. I reared back and punched him in the gut. He pinched his eyes shut and let out a breath, covering my arm in his spit.

Fighting was a dirty game. Good thing I wasn’t queasy.

He got off the cage only for me to slam him to the ground and lock my arm around his throat. Five seconds later, he was tapping on my thigh.

“Fuck, Huntington. I hope you don’t choke your girl that way,” Jonah said between coughs as he sat up. He glanced over my shoulder at Lyric and smirked.

I shoved him back down and held a hand to his throat. “Don’t worry about what I do with my girl and I won’t squeeze the life out of you right now.”

His fingers pulled at my hand. “Jesus, bro. It was a joke.”

“Hey, Linc. I got you some water,” Lyric’s sweet voice called out from behind me.

The storm swirling around me settled as soon as I heard her. The pounding in my ears dulled to a lowthrum. I let Jonah go and scooted back to the cage where Lyric stood on the other side. She twisted the cap and held the bottle to one of the holes in the cage. I opened my mouth and let the cool liquid soothe my dry throat as Lyric poured it inside. Some of it spilled over and ran down my chin. Fuck it. I let it go.

Her eyes fell to my lips, then to the water dripping from my chin onto my bare chest. Her breath hitched, and a familiar darkness flashed in her green eyes. “That was kind of hot.” She pulled her bottom lip between her teeth. “Raw and animalistic.”

My dick throbbed against the cup I was forced to wear. “You want me to bring you in here, baby? Slam you against the cage and fuck you like an animal?” I wanted that—her thighs locked around my waist and her pussy over my cock. Her throaty moans when I pounded her against the fence.


“That word. I’m going to make you scream that fucking word.”

Someone cleared their throat behind me.

I tilted my head.Deuce.

“Sorry to interrupt, but there’s a guy here to see you. He’s wearing a suit and he says it’s important.”

“Did you get his name?”

“Yeah. He said it’s Grey. Grey Van Something.” Deuce glanced from me to Lyric and back to me. “He looks pissed.”

Shit. I knew it was only a matter of time before he found us too.

I scrubbed a hand over my face. “Tell him to come to the cage.”