Chapter thirty-six

Caspian's office looked like a NASA control center. He had three desks pushed together to form a horseshoe in the middle of the room with computer monitors and other equipment set up on the surface. There were no windows, and he said the walls were soundproof.

“What the fuck is this?” I walked over to one of the monitors where someone’s bank account activity was on display.

“Don’t fucking touch anything,” Caspian said.

I glanced at the other screens. Some of them showed various news articles. Some of them were live video feeds. “What. The fuck. Is. This?” I knew Caspian was on a mission to take down the Brotherhood but this was next level shit.

He took a seat in the leather desk chair. “This is the truth and I’m using it as my weapon.” He pointed at a sofa on the other side of the desks. “You might want to sit down for the rest.”

Last night I learned more about my father and his fucked-up secret society than I wanted to. I thought that shit at The Grove was bad. It was just the beginning.

Caspian confessed to being the one who killed his father. He’d shot him in the head and made it look like a suicide. Something about that made me proud as fuck that this was the man who would spend his life taking care of my sister. I knew she would always be safe. I wanted to be that for Lyric.

Iwas goingto be that for Lyric.

Kipton Donahue was probably in Hell fighting the Devil for his throne right now. I knew another one who wouldn’t be far behind him. At this rate, we could wipe out the Brotherhood in a matter of months.

This morning, we flew back to New York with Chandler in a private jet. That motherfucker had more connections than a Delta hub.

Lyric didn’t sleep a wink last night… and it wasn’t just because I had my tongue in all her little holes for most of it. She flinched at every noise. She made us duck down in the car until we reached the airport and insisted we all wear one of Chandler’s hoodies and hide our faces. The ride from JFK to my theater loft wasn’t any better. Anyone looking on would have thought she was a fugitive. I suppose in some ways she was. She was a prisoner, and I set her free.

The theater was dark and quiet as I walked her down the center aisle and to the stairs.

Her eyes roamed from the seats to the paintings on the walls and up to the balcony. “This is it? All this is yours?”

I tugged on her hand, ready to have her home. Yeah.Home.Because now that I had her back, I would burn a motherfucker alive if he tried to take her from me again. “Ours. All this is ours.”

Her breath hitched, and I smiled.Yeah, baby. You’re stuck with me now.

We stopped just outside my door.

Lyric squeezed my hand. “He’s going to come for me. And even if he doesn’t, they will.”

They.The Brotherhood. My father. Grey.

Fuck them. Fuck all of them.

After what Caspian showed me and Chandler last night, there was no fucking way I was letting anyone near her. Chandler made a few phone calls before we ever left the island. All I needed to do was keep Lyric safe while it all played out, and there was nowhere safer than with the one person who would kill a man just for looking at her wrong.

“If they’re stupid enough to show up here, I’ll be ready for them.” I punched in the code and heard the immediate turning of the lock. Lucifer was waiting on the other side of the door the moment I pushed it open.

I rubbed the top of his head. “Hey, big guy. Look who I brought home.” He looked up at Lyric, who was frozen in place at the sight of him. I chuckled. “Lyric, meet Lucifer.”

“You named your dog after Satan?” Her eyes grew wide. “Is he mean?”

Only when he needs to be. Like me.

He nuzzled her leg with his nose, his way of sayinghello—which was very un-Satan like. That just earned him an extra steak for dinner.

“Easy, buddy. This one’s mine.” I glanced at Lyric and winked. “I think he likes you.” Then I leaned in and nipped her chin with my teeth, watching as goosebumps pebbled across her skin. “He’s got good taste.”

She pulled her hoodie over her head and placed it over the back of a chair, exposing a sliver of skin between the top of her skirt and where her t-shirt had inched up.


I wanted to run my tongue over that skin.