I held my other hand in the air, pinky out. “Pinky promise we’re okay.”

She hooked her pinky around mine. “Now go find my brother before he destroys my house,” she said, leaving no room for argument.

The air around us felt lighter.Ifelt lighter.

I squeezed her hand. “I love you.”

“I love you, too.”

Caspian and Grey were standing farther down the beach in front of the house next door, the house Grey rented and should have stayed inside. I felt their eyes on me as I walked to Tatum’s front door. Caspian didn’t like Lincoln. They’d both been programmed to hate the other since birth. I knew whose side he was on. I knew what he thought about me being with Linc, and I didn’t care.

Inside the house, Chandler was sitting on the couch with his legs stretched out and propped up on an ottoman in front of him. He dug a metal spoon into a tub of ice cream, then brought it to his lips.

“You didn’t think I was going to sleep through that shit show, did you?” he said after slowly pulling the spoon out of his mouth.

“You could’ve helped.”

He shrugged one shoulder. “Wasn’t my fight.”

“You’re a dick.”

“Tell me something I don’t know.” He scooped up another spoonful of ice cream and held it out like he was offering me a bite.

That was Chandler. Never bothered by anything. Never as much as a flicker of emotion in his eyes. I’d give anything to see the day something, orsomeone, burst right through the wall he’d built around himself.

“Where is Lincoln?” I looked around the room and into the kitchen. Nothing was out of place, so he hadn’t come inside barreling through like an emotional tornado.Thank God.

Or not.

Sometimes in silence, came madness. I knew that all too well.

Chandler nodded toward the hallway. “So, no ice cream?”

I rolled my eyes and headed down the hall.

I heard the water running in the shower as soon as I stepped into his room. My body hummed when I glanced at the window he had me pinned against earlier. It had only been a few minutes, but it seemed like a lifetime ago.

His jeans were in a pile on the bathroom floor, steam from the shower fogging up the mirror, and other than the sound of hot water spraying, it was silent.

And on the other side of that glass door, with rivers of water trailing over his tattoos was my madness.

I unbuttoned my dress, then slid it off my shoulders, letting it fall to the floor next to his jeans. After unfastening my bra—my panties were on the floor somewhere in the other room—I opened the shower door and stepped inside.

Neither of us said a word as I stood in front of him, inching my hand up his chest and to his face. My fingertip traced the scar that ran from his temple to his chin. It was just a silver line down the side of his face. If anyone glanced at him, they’d miss it. But no one everjust glancedat Lincoln. He was the kind of guy you drank in until you were intoxicated.

He sucked in a breath and looked down at me with bloodshot eyes still capable of making my stomach flutter.

My fingertip trailed across his jaw and over his full lips. He was breathing fast but remained silent. The water poured over us like rain, soaking our hair and bodies like we were standing in the middle of a storm. That was what it felt like with Lincoln—a storm. Beautiful to look at. Unleashing wrath and rage. Dangerous. But oddly calming as long as you knew you were sheltered.

I moved behind him, hooking my arms underneath his and placing my hands on his shoulders. I rested my head on his shoulder blade and pressed my body against his.

Normal people might have sat down and talked about what just happened. They would fill the air with explanations and apologies. What Lincoln and I had was far from normal. It wasn’t sweet and tender the way a fairy tale should be. It was dark and twisted. It went beyond the physical and into holy territory. Our silence was reverent, our bodies temples, and every time he said my name, it was like an invocation. Every time we were together, I wanted to worship him. It had been over four years, and none of that had changed.

My hands moved over his back as I slid down his body and rested on my knees. Remnants of the sand that had washed off his body and out of his hair grated against my skin. His ass was right in front of me, round and firm and begging me to bite it. So I did.

Then I ducked my head between his thighs and opened my mouth around his balls from behind. The tip of my nose grazed his asshole as I drew him deeper. A low groan bounced off the tiled shower walls, more animal than human, and I felt it pulse all the way to my core.He liked that.

His hand slapped the tile, bracing his weight against the wall while the other stroked his cock. I knew because I felt the pressure of it swell in my mouth. I pulled back and ran my tongue over that sensitive piece of skin between his balls and his asshole, that paper thin barrier between desired and forbidden.