Chapter thirty-two

This wasn’t exactly the reunion I’d spent every night imagining—especially not the part where Grey stood there watching our souls collide one more time.

Lincoln hooked his fingers in two belt loops and pulled his jeans over his hips. He tucked his dick inside, not even bothering with the zipper or buttons, then stormed out the bedroom door.


Double shit.

Nothing good was going to come of this.

I stepped over my panties laying on the floor and yelled after him. “Lincoln, wait.”

The muscles in his back and arms flexed as he clenched his fists and kept walking. He peered over his shoulder, pure fire in his eyes. “You think I’m going to just let that perverted fuck look at you like that?”

Thatperverted fuckhad seen me in worse positions.

“He wasn’t looking at me likethat.” Grey watched people fuck all the time as part of their twisted consummation ritual. It was almost clinical for him—or so I imagined. And I knew for a fact he wasn’t attracted to me that way. He’d proven that plenty of times. I hurried with the buttons on my dress, making sure everything was back in place.

Lincoln flung the front door open, then turned around. “You don’t know him. You don’t know what men like him are capable of.”

That was where he was wrong. I knew exactly what Grey was capable of.

“And you do?”

“I know he’s closely associated with my father. I’ve seen them together and that’s enough to know I don’t want him anywhere near you.”

He rushed around the corner of the house and across the sand. My short steps could hardly keep up with his long, swift strides. My heart hammered like crazy as panic closed in around me, whispering in my ear,“Run.”

I dug my bare feet into the sand and pushed forward.

Too late. They were face-to-face.

Lincoln snatched the front of Grey’s shirt in his fist and yanked him forward. “Take your fucking eyes off her! Don’t you even fucking look at her!”

The waves crashed on the shore just over the dune. The crisp night air bit my skin. It was as if even the atmosphere was in turmoil. The panic was a force now, clenching and squeezing at my ribcage.

“Linc, stop!”

He didn’t.

Lincoln’s chest heaved as he brought his face just inches from Grey’s. “I will end you.”

I had to let him know he was wrong. Grey wasn’t like Lincoln’s father or the men he associated with—men Lincoln obviously knew more about than I had hoped. The thought of him being exposed to the Brotherhood in any way made my stomach churn. I wanted to shield him from the world I’d been thrust into, even though his last name was like a prickly vine binding him to the darkness.

“Lincoln,” I yelled. “It’s not what you think.He’snot what you think.”

That got his attention.

He let go of Grey’s shirt and snapped around to face me. “How do you know that?” His eyes wildly searched mine for answers, finally opening wide as his lips parted. He tilted his head to the side and let out a long, stuttered breath. “Tell me you don’t know him.”

The sting of my betrayal cracked my chest wide open. “Linc…”

“You said it was Kipton.” His voice was so broken, so guttural. “You said Kipton took you.” He took a step toward me. “Now he’s dead, and I thought that was how you were back. I thought you were free…” He pointed to Grey. “Tell me how you know him.”


“Holy shit. That’s where you’ve been.” His voice was quiet. “All this time.” His gaze raked over me, searing me from head to toe. I’d never felt so ripped open and bare. “With him. Kipton gave you tohim.” The sadness that emanated from him was a tangible thing that reached into my open chest and squeezed my heart in its fist. His legs buckled, sending him to his knees.