For some fucked-up reason, I believed him. He convinced Caspian to show his face. It was only to people who would rather die than admit he was still alive, but still…
I shifted my focus to Caspian, done with Grey. His intentions may have been noble, but I still didn’t like him. “Does this mean you’re back? You’re going to take over the Brotherhood?”
“Nah. I don’t like being on top.” He smirked over the rim of his bottle. “Unless it involves my wife.”
I leaned back in my chair. “Still my sister…”
He laughed. “I like my life the way it is. I’m happy. Tatum’s happy. I like being the invisible force behind the force.” He pointed the bottle in my direction. “Now that we’re taking care of your old man next, that leaves you at the head of the Obsidian table.”
I scoffed. “Fuck that. Pick Chandler.”
Chandler shook his head as he swallowed his drink. “No can do. I’m not blood, remember?”
Right. Chandler was adopted. The only thing binding him to the Brotherhood was his last name.
Caspian propped his ankle on a knee and settled into the cushions. “Then that leaves Grey.”
“You’re all talking like it’s over.” Grey pulled his arm off the back of the couch and sat up straight. “It’s far from over.” His eyes scanned over all of us. “This is just the beginning.”
A low growl rumbled deep in Lucifer’s chest and his ears perked up. As if on cue, someone knocked on the door.
The fuck?
I pulled the beer bottle away from my mouth and shared glances with Chandler and Caspian. There was no way my father was crazy enough to come up here knowing we were all in the same room. Not after what he’d just witnessed.
Or maybe he was.
The room went quiet except for thethwump thwump thwumpof Lucifer’s paws against the hard wood as he followed me to the door.
When I opened it, my mouth dropped.
“Hello, Lincoln. Grey Van Doren told me I could find my daughter here.”