Chapter forty

Our last names were like stains on our souls. We were tainted. Damned. There was no such thing asgood menin our world. There were no heroes here. We were all villains.

You were a poison in our family, and I couldn’t wait to get rid of you.

I watched her heart break when my father said those words. I saw the pain in her eyes. I felt it in my veins.

And then the motherfucker tased me. The most intense pain I’d ever felt in my life shot through every nerve in my body until my legs gave out and I collapsed. It felt like hours, just sitting there, frozen, screaming from the inside out, but not able to fucking move—not able to fucking help her.

I was ready to rip Grey Van Doren to pieces until he showed up with Caspian at his side. I wished I had a picture of my father’s face when they walked in. Pierce Carmichael nearly shit himself when Chandler followed behind them.

The second I was able to stand up again, I scooped Lyric up into my arms.

Chandler looked at me from outside the ring. His gaze fell to the river of blood pouring from her cut. “Get her the fuck out of here.”

I didn’t need his demands. I was taking her regardless.

Grey opened the exit to the cage. Something like pain—or maybe regret—pinched his face together when I brushed past him with Lyric in my arms. Good. He needed to see what his absence had cost Lyric.

Caspian and Chandler walked over to where my father stood with King Winston and Pierce Carmichael.

“It looks like we have some catching up to do,” my father said. The mere sound of his voice made me want to rip his vocal cords out.

The sound of the cage door slamming shut echoed over the music that was still playing.

Grey’s voice floated in the air as I reached the stairs with Lyric. “You three might want to take a seat.”

I got Lyric upstairs and cleaned her cut, thanking fuck it wasn’t deep enough to cause any real damage. Then I bandaged her up and took her to bed, where I laid beside her, rubbing her hair until she went back to sleep. I could beat her ass for trying to pull the shit she did, for even thinking it was a good idea. Even though the minute she told me totrust herand thatshe’d do the rest, I knew exactly what she had planned.

My girl was so fucking strong. So fucking brave.

Lucifer growled at the knock on my door.

I rubbed his head as I slid out of bed. “Good boy.”

Chandler stood outside my door, holding a Glock in his hand. “I thought you might want to do the honor.”

“Now?” I looked over my shoulder to make sure Lyric hadn’t woken up and followed me. “I thought we were sending him—”

“Not your dad, asshole. The other guy.” Chandler interrupted me. “The bloody one on the floor.”


“I took care of him. He won’t fuck with me again.” He wouldn’t touch Lyric again. I’d break his fingers, one-by-one.

“You might want to come downstairs.”

What the fuck was he talking about? What was going on?

I glanced over my shoulder once more to make sure my girl was still in bed. Then I closed the door and followed Chandler back downstairs.

Deuce was awake. He was sitting with his back leaned against the cage, yelling profanities at my father.

“This wasn’t part of the deal,” he said, then spit blood onto the mat.

The blood rushed to my head as adrenaline pushed me forward.The fuck did he just say?
