Chapter thirty-four

I punished Lyric the same way I always did when she thought she could give away what was rightfully mine. I fucked her mouth without mercy, then I filled her with so much cum she’d be tasting me for days. And then I spent the rest of the night holding her close and rubbing her hair while she told me everything.Everything.She opened her soul and laid it out there, broken and bare. The way they took her. Fuck. When she talked about the way they took her, it fucking shredded me. I had to taste her lips to take the sting of the words away.

I should have tried harder. I should have known sooner that something wasn’t right. I would live with that guilt for the rest of my life. But she was here now, and I was going to spend every day from now until eternity making it up to her.

She told me about the marriage that wasn’treallya marriage—thank fuck, because I would have burned the whole goddamn world down if it had been. I was probably going to do that anyway because the thought of her sharing something like that, real or not, with anyone but me tore me up inside.

She told me about the man who tried to attack her but ended up dead. If there was one thing keeping me from ripping Grey Van Doren’s dick off, it was the fact that he’d saved her that night.

She told me about Caspian’s visits and how that—and a kind woman named Mrs. McTavish—was the only thing that kept her sane.

But it wasn’t until she told me about the fucked-up shit they made her do on her wedding night that I broke. It didn’t matter what Lyric said, how much she defended him. It didn’t matter that he’d protected her from that piece of shit monster. Grey took something she wasn’t ready to give. She said he didn’t have a choice, that he was saving her from a fate worse than him. I couldn’t give two fucks about thecircumstances.He took what didn’t belong to him.

She wasmine. Her pussy wasmine. The adrenaline that rushed through me on fight night was nothing compared to what I felt knowing someone else had been inside her. It took everything I had not to go over there and cut that motherfucker in his sleep.

And my own fucking father was there. I swore to God the minute I got home I was going to make that motherfucker wish my mother had swallowed.

Kipton Donahue was dead. But as for the rest of them, they better hope God showed them mercy because I sure as fuck wasn’t.

Lyric tried to give me excuses and explanations for why Grey was the way he was, but all I heard was my pulse throbbing in my eardrums. All I felt was the rage I’d become so intimate with over the years.

I sat up and almost bolted off the bed, but she held a hand to my chest.

“Where are you going?”

“To finish what I started on the beach.”Maybe even kill him this time.

She climbed on top of me, straddling my body and guiding my cock inside her sweet cunt. “Why don’t we finish this instead?”

Fuck. How could I argue with that? No feeling in the world compared to this—not one. She eased all the way down and squeezed me tight. I sat up and pulled her nipple between my teeth while my hands dug into her hips and slammed her on top of me, harder, faster, until words were forgotten and the only sounds left were her sweet fucking moans and the slapping of flesh against flesh.

The next day, I watched her from a distance as she stood next to my sister at the altar. Fucking perfection in a soft pink dress with flowers in her hair. One day I would have her at the altar of our own wedding while I stood in front of her and told the whole fucking world she belonged to me. And it wouldn’t be some bullshit ceremony to appease the Brotherhood. No. It would be real. We’d seal it in blood like my sister and Caspian did, and no one, not God or the Devil himself would be able to break it.

A few hours later, we’d all changed into normal clothes and were standing at the dock, none of us ready to say goodbye. I’d been on the water since I was a toddler. I knew how to pilot a boat before I knew how to walk. Which was why Caspian left me in charge of bringing Lyric, Grey, and the petite woman with kind eyes known as Mrs. McTavish to the next island over. Not that he had a choice. I was going regardless.

Twenty-four hours. That was what Grey gave her with us. Smug bastard.

“Shouldn’t you two be on your honeymoon or something?” I asked Tatum as she wrapped Lyric in a hug.

“I don’t need to go to an overpriced resort to fuck my wife,” Caspian cut in.

I shook his words off because the last thing I wanted to imagine was my sister bent over in front of him. I was already traumatized over the end of their wedding ceremony. Since when did my sister like being chased? What the fuck was that shit?

“They’re going to figure this out. We’re going to get you back,” Tatum said, and Lyric nodded.

She tried so hard to seem strong. My little fighter. But I knew it was tearing her up inside. I saw it in her eyes.

Fucking right we were going to figure it out. But she was relying on Caspian and Chandler. I had a plan of my own.

A breeze blew in off the water, whipping my hair over my forehead. I brushed it back, then helped Mrs. McTavish on board while Lyric said goodbye to Tatum.

Fuck Grey. That asshole could help himself. With any luck, he’d trip and fall into the ocean. I didn’t care what Lyric said. I didn’t trust him. He was one ofthem.

He leaned over and whispered something in Caspian’s ear, making him nod in response. Then he walked up the steps and onto the boat. I snickered at the bruise on his cheek and nose that fucked up his pretty-boy face.

Lyric hugged Caspian and Chandler goodbye. Chandler let his touch linger a little too long, looking over her shoulder at me with a smirk. That asshole was lucky I used all my energy to fuck Lyric until the sun came up.

I narrowed my eyes and grabbed a handful of her ass because it was my ass to grab. She jumped up and out of his arms. I shot him a wink, then shoved a toothpick in my mouth.Checkmate, motherfucker.