What happened to him?Fear pricked my skin.What if they killed him?What ifGreykilled him?

“It seems you’ve forgotten who you’re dealing with. Perhaps it’s time to remind you.”

“You belong to the most brutal man in the Brotherhood.”

I blinked away thoughts of his hand on the man’s throat that night in the cottage, of the blood that poured from his mouth.

“I said Donahue is dead. And it’s a good thing because if he were still alive, I would kill him myself. Did he touch you anywhere else?” A new darkness filled his green-brown eyes. “Did hehurtyou anywhere else?”

I heard the words he was too afraid to say.Did he rape you?

My pulse quickened and I swallowed past the ball lodged in my throat. Tears welled in my eyes, but I forced them away with a blink. Too many horrible memories crashing in all at once. “No. It happened a long time ago, and I don’t want to talk about it right now.” I rested my forehead against his, bringing my mouth centimeters from his lips. “Lincoln, please.” I begged him to purge the memories out of my mind.

He brought his hand back to cradle my face. “Please, what?”

Please kiss me.

Please touch me.

Please fuck me.

Please, for the love of God, just make me forget.

“Just… please.”

Before the word was out of my mouth, his lips were on mine. His tongue urged them apart. His hand slid around to the back of my neck, holding me while his mouth bruised mine. He tasted like smoke and alcohol and I was lost in it. Drunk on him. High on his kiss. He sucked on my tongue, vicious and harsh like he was trying to pull me into him. Then he growled against my lips. It was deep and possessive and all-consuming.

It was too much. And not enough. My ass pressed down, digging deeper and deeper into his lap, hunting, seeking, begging for the thickness on the other side of his zipper. I’d wiggled so much that my panties shifted to the side and my bare pussy was rubbing against his hard dick. The rough fabric was brutal against my delicate skin, but I didn’t fucking care. His grip flexed at the nape of my neck, pulling me even deeper into the kiss. I moved again. Lincoln lifted his hips. Right there. Right against my clit. Just a little harder.Yes. Fuck yes. God yes.This. I needed this. My entire body began to hum until I was moaning in his mouth and coming undone around an orgasm so raw, so powerful, so fucking intense, it made my whole body tremble.

Lincoln eased his mouth from mine, nipping my bottom lip as he pulled away. “Christ, Songbird. You just came all over my lap, and I haven’t even touched you yet.” His voice was breathless and gravelly.

I did.

And I was mortified.

I was supposed to be a sexy and seductive woman now. Instead, I was the same greedy and anxious teenage girl who’d walked in on him jacking off once upon a time.

What a mess.

I rested my head on his shoulder.

He grabbed the nape of my neck, letting his fingers grip my hair and pull my head back. “Hey. Don’t do that.”

“Do what?”

“Hide from me. Don’t you ever fucking hide from me.” He pulled me closer against his chest. “I’ve got you now. And I’m nowhere near done with you yet.”

“Not out here. Someone could walk in and see us.”Tatum could walk in and see us.

“We still doing that?”

Tomorrow was Tatum’s wedding day, and I wasn’t about to ruin it by having her find out I’d been fucking her brother. I would tell her before I had to leave—which was much sooner than I wanted. Grey gave me twenty-four hours. He said too much time away would look suspicious. I hated these men and the control they seemed to have over everything. Caspian and Tatum had found a way out. I’d give anything to do the same.

“For now,” I answered, then tried scooting off his lap.

He dug his fingers into my flesh. “How do you know I didn’t already tell her?”

I felt all the color drain from my face as my lungs grew tight.