T i c k.
T i i i i i c k.
All the strength left my body in a swift whoosh, causing me to sink deeper into the bed. Grey was saying words. I heard his velvety voice floating in the air, but all I could focus on was the invitation in front of me.
“She’s getting married.” My voice cracked on the words. My shoulders shook as tears, both happy and sad, stained my face. “I knew he loved her,” I said through a weak smile.
My best friend is getting married.
My heart was in my throat. This was another one of Grey’s kind cruelties, another moment in my grasp then ripped away.
I held the invitation to my chest. “Thank you for sharing this with me.” Maybe if I was lucky, he would find a picture of the ceremony and share that too.
He placed a finger under my chin and lifted my head. “You should go.”
The breath left my lungs. There was no way I heard him right.
His thumb swept over my cheek, smearing my tears into my skin. “I’ll take you and stay at a place nearby.”
“To the wedding?” I hiccupped on a sob.
He grinned, and my god it was beautiful. “Yes. To the wedding.”
“How? Won’t people see me?” My heart was racing.
“No. It’s a private ceremony. No one will see you.”
“But Tatum will…”
“Yes. Tatum will.”
“Does she know?” I swiped my fingers under my eyes. “That I’m alive.”
“No.” He brought his other hand to my face. “But it’s time.”
What did that even mean? Time for what?
This wasn’t real. No fucking way was this real. In less than a month, I would wrap my arms around my best friend again. I was going to be there for the most important day of her life.
I looked up at Grey. In the four years I’d been here, my heart had never been as full of hope as it was right now. Not even when he gave me the cell phone.
“Thank you,” I said as another teardrop fell. This one rolled down my cheek right next to my mouth.
Grey caught it with the pad of his thumb, then traced my bottom lip.
Maybe it was the emotions brought on by the invitation. Maybe it was my need to let him know how grateful I was. Maybe it was the fire tingling in my belly from reading all those sexy words.
But my lips parted at his touch, then my tongue snaked out, wetting the tip of his finger.
His Adam’s apple bobbed in his throat, and it was the sexiest fucking thing ever. The bright blue in his eyes darkened to rival the midnight sky. This was it. He was finally going to give in.
My chest rose and fell with every breath. His gaze dropped to the crest of my breasts peeking out from the tank top I was wearing, then he licked his lips. I closed my eyes and waited for him to kiss me.
Even if that was where it ended. If it didn’t go any further than that.
My heart hammered in my chest.