Ready. So ready. Right there—

Then he was gone.

His tongue replaced by his thick cock, pounding without mercy. Driving into me over and over. His harsh breaths filled the air as his fingers bruised my hips. This was not the gentle giant from before. This was a beast, staking his claim.

“I told you I would make you bend. See how wet you are for me?”

Fire tingled in my belly, and my hands fisted the sheets even tighter. I opened my mouth and a sob broke free, because Grey was right. I broke. And as much as I wanted this to be Lincoln, I knew it never would be. As desperate as my body was for this, I knew this moment was all Grey had to give. In a matter of seconds, I would be left here, alone, to clean up our mess and dry my own tears while he’d zip his pants and led the other men into the library, where they would sip scotch and discuss world domination—or whatever the fuck they did.

I squeezed my eyes closed and forced my thoughts out of my head. I tried transporting myself to the same place Grey had taken his mind to. I was almost there, in the blissful abyss of numbness…

And then he was on top of me, his heavy frame covering my small one. He stilled his hips and groaned, but… nothing. I had been with Lincoln enough to know when a man was coming, and Grey was not coming inside of me.

“I’m on birth control. I just had my shot last month.”Right before they took me.“It’s okay,” I whispered to him. Lincoln hated condoms, and I loved the feel of him bare.

“I’m not worried about your birth control, sweet one.” His voice was strained, as if it took all of his energy to hold himself back. “This wasn’t for me,” he whispered against my ear. “It wasn’t for you, either.” He grabbed my ass and pushed deeper into me, for show, I assumed. But it still sent tiny jolts of pleasure all the way to my toes. “This was for them.”

For them. It wasallfor them. These men had taken something beautiful, like sex on your wedding night, and turned it into something sinister. They were the monsters. We were the victims.

This isn’t a fairy tale. There’s no happily ever after here. I’m not going to fall in love with you. I’m not capable of that.

I ignored the background noise of hands fisting flesh, low grunts, and heavy breaths and focused on Grey. “Who the hell are you?”How did he have so much control when all I wanted to do was break?

His jaw tensed as he eased off me. “Someone you’ll wish you never knew.”