He loved her. I knew it. I wouldn’t accept anything less as the truth. I wanted her safe too. Tatum lived in this world, but she wasn’t part of it. Lincoln wasn’t either, but that was by choice rather than ignorance. He hated everything his father stood for. Tatum knew nothing about it, and for once I agreed with Caspian. It should stay that way.

He stood up and dusted his hands along the front of his jeans. “I need to get back to Ayelswick. Liam is expecting me.”

Ayelswick? The island between Scotland and Ireland? I’d heard stories about that place—and its prince. Not all of them were good. “Why is the prince of Ayelswick expecting you? And what are you doing in Scotland?”

“It’s the only way I can protect Tatum.”

Protect her from what?There was so much more I wanted to know. He left so many things unanswered. But I felt Grey’s stare without ever looking at him and knew this was all I would get today.

Grey stood up and met Caspian at the door. He glanced at me before they walked out into the hall. “I know you have questions, but you should rest first. We’ll pick this up in the morning.”

Seeing Caspian gave me something to hold onto. It reminded me that my old life wasn’t so far away after all. He was my link to Tatum. Seeing him made me feel closer to her.

Grey was right. I did have questions. I was also exhausted. Mentally. Physically. Emotionally. So, I went back to my room, shed my jeans, and crawled into bed. When I closed my eyes, Lincoln’s face flashed in my mind, but it was Grey’s voice that I heard right before drifting off.

I’m going to fuck you, sweet girl. And four other men are going to watch.