Chapter ten

The morning sunlight was blinding, too bright for this time of day.Who the fuck left my curtains open?I’d gone back to Lyric’s late last night, but she sent me home long before the sun came up. Time was a blur, a blip. It felt like I’d just gone to sleep. That happened a lot when I was fucked up.

I rubbed my eyes and grabbed my phone—10:15 a.m. My head was pounding, and my body felt as though my veins were laced with lead.

There were four text messages and two missed calls from Ethan.

The fuck?


Ethan: Wake the fuck up.


Ethan: I got some shit to tell you.


Ethan:Call me.


Ethan:Tell me why the fuck I saw your girl leaving Caspian Donahue’s house the other day.

Ethan was the only person who knew about Lyric and me. He was my best friend. He knew everything.

I gritted my teeth and pressed Ethan’s name on the screen, not even giving him time to say hello when he answered. “The fuck are you talking about? Lyric knows how I feel about Caspian Donahue. She wouldn’t be caught dead at his house.”

“The day before yesterday, my mom was drinking mimosas with Caspian’s mom. She had too many to drive and called me to come pick her up.” Ethan paused a beat. “I’m telling you, bro. When I pulled up, Lyric was leaving.”

Anger burned in my chest as my blood rushed through my veins, pulsing in my already throbbing head. I just saw her last night and she didn’t say a word about going to Caspian’s. What the fuck did she think she was doing?

“Come get me. The Donahues fucked with the wrong Huntington this time.” I wasn’t my father. I didn’t play mind games or issue passive-aggressive threats.

I handled my shit.

Ethan drove because my rage was blinding when it came to how jealous I was over Lyric—especially when it came to Caspian motherfucking Donahue.

Caspian was leaning against the tall wooden front door of his obnoxious mansion when we pulled into his driveway. The smirk on his face only made the anger inside me bubble to the surface. It didn’t matter who his father was or how many people cowered at his last name. It was time to teach him a lesson about putting his hands on things that didn’t belong to him.

His Audi was parked in the circular drive, spotless and pristine.

Fucking perfect.

As soon as the car came to a halt, I jumped out, grabbing an aluminum baseball bat from the backseat on my way out.

The aluminum felt weightless as I flipped it in the air but powerful as fuck when I brought it down and smashed the windshield of his car. No questions. No fucks given. Not one.

I pounded it again before tossing the bat onto the driveway. The sound of metal bouncing on concrete interrupted the silence. It continued echoing as it rolled off to the side. Fuck it. He could keep it as a reminder.

My chest heaved, lungs burning with each breath I took. I wiped the sweat off my brow with the back of my hand. I spotted Caspian in my peripheral, lurking at the top of the steps. “Consider that your warning, Donahue. Stay the fuck away from Lyric.” I didn’t even bring up the fact that I’d heard he was fucking my sister, not until he walked down the steps and got in my face. “One teenage girl wasn’t enough for you? You had to make my sister your whore too?” The words tasted sour on my tongue. I knew my sister wasn’t a whore. I just wanted to piss him off.

His eyes narrowed. “You have five seconds to get the fuck off my driveway and apologize to your sister.”

Did he just defend Tatum?That was new. Caspian didn’t give a shit about anyone enough to defend them. Still didn’t explain whymygirl was athishouse.

“Yeah? Or what?” He wanted what belonged to me? I dared him to try to take it.