The bass called to me.

I danced with both guys, letting them sandwich me in the middle, not caring that their hands were roaming my body. If I was lucky, someone would tell Lincoln.

I liked testing him, pushing him past his boundaries. I loved it when he lost control. Sometimes when we were in the same place at the same time, I flirted with other guys just to get Lincoln to shove me against a bathroom wall and show me I was his. It was a dangerous line to walk—like poking a bear—but I walked it with confidence.

But that wouldn’t happen tonight because he wasn’t here.

Maybe he would actually show up next time instead of letting me come out on my own.

There was an ominous vibration in the air, as if the walls of this tomb were issuing a warning. All around me, people renounced the spirit of morality and danced on the edge of depravity. White powder coated tan skin. Hands inched inside short skirts. Heads bobbed between parted thighs.

Harry Potter got it wrong.

This was the real Chamber of Secrets.

Through the crowd, I watched Caspian Donahue grab Tatum away from Kyle and carry her out of this unholy place. I was thankful for Caspian right then. Tatum didn’t belong here. I probably didn’t either.

Someone grabbed me by the elbow and yanked me away from the warm bodies pressed against me. “Time to go.”

I looked up into bright green eyes.

Chandler Carmichael.

What the fuck? My first thought was that his dad sent him. After all, it was Pierce Carmichael and Kipton Donahue’s voices on the audio I recorded.

“Fuck you. I was just getting started.”

There was no fucking way I was leaving with him.

“Save your attitude for someone who gives a shit.” He grabbed my arm and pulled me through the crowd.

I tried yanking my arm away but he was too strong. My flesh ached where his fingertips were undoubtedly leaving bruises.

Two hooded guys at the entrance—orexitin this case—opened the door for him as if he were fucking royalty.

He placed his hand on the dip in my back and pushed until I’d made it to the top of the stone stairway.

I contemplated running, but we were in the middle of a cemetery. Where would I go? “Where’s Tatum?” I stopped and glared up at him. I knew where she was. I was just stalling.

Chandler was seriously hot. If you liked emotionless assholes with smart mouths.

I was also an emotionless asshole with a smart mouth, so the two of us were like oil and water.

“She’s with Caspian.” He smirked at me. “But you knew that already.”

Okay,intelligent,emotionless assholes with a smart mouth.

“Where are you taking me?”

Please don’t say to your father.


Thank God.With any luck, Lincoln would already be there waiting on me.

He didn’t say another word the rest of the way to my apartment building, and I didn’t bother arguing with him. He was Chandler fucking Carmichael. It wasn’t like I could win, anyway.